A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Sept. 15

The championship of the Iranian Greco-Roman wrestling team in the 2014 Greco-Roman World Wrestling Championships in Tashkent and the congratulatory messages the Supreme Leader and President Rouhani issued following the unprecedented victory of Iranian wrestlers were on the front pages of almost all Iranian newspapers on Monday.

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages Sept. 14

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages Sept. 14

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 13

Most Iranian newspapers on Saturday (September 13) gave front-page coverage to the comments of President Rouhani at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Org...

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 11

Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 11

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 10

Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 10

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 9

Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 9

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 8

Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 8

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 7

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 7

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 6

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 6

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 4

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 4

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 3

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 3

Photoshopped sketch or photo?

A row over the copyright of a sketch image proves that professional ethics is essential to healthy competition.

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 2

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 2

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on September 1

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on September 1, 2014

A look at newspaper headlines across the country on August 31, 2014

A look at Iranian newspaper headlines across the country on August 31, 2014

Benefactors, people and village councils are to help pave dirt roads in rural areas

Members of the public contribute to efforts to pave dirt roads and thus reduce road accidents.

Iran Front Page officially launched

Iran Front Page (IFP) was officially launched at a gathering dubbed Iranian Media and the International Community in Tehran late Wednesday on August 20, 2014. Initially the content of iranfrontpage.com is in English, but the website will eventually translate select news stories, analyses and articles from the Iranian press into a few widely-spoken languages.

Oldest Iranologist alive commemorated

A statue of Manuchehr Sotudeh, the oldest Iranologist alive, has been unveiled at a garden in Tehran.

Who is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the notorious leader of ISIL

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – an al-Qaeda offshoot -- has been careful to reveal little about himself and his whereabouts.

West lies about medical sanctions: Iran health minister

Iranian health minister has slammed Western governments, saying they lie about not having imposed embargoes on Iran’s purchase of medications and medical equipment.

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