Iran, Turkmenistan set to further cooperate in Caspian Sea, fight terror

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and the president of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow, emphasized on the two counties’ determination to fight against terrorism in the region as well as their cooperation involving the Caspian Sea.

“Jing Jelang” – Baluchestan Shoes for the Wealthy

“When the rich people in Baluchestan society wore these traditional shoes, they were called Jing jelang because of the noise they made while walking.”

Iranian Diplomat, UN Envoy for Syria Hold Phone Talks

Ali-Asghar Khaji, a senior assistant to the Iranian foreign minister in special political affairs, has held phone talks with UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir O. Pedersen.

Iran Culture in Photos: Tomb of Omar Khayyam

Snapshots of the tomb of Omar Khayyam, a famous Persian poet who was born and laid to rest in Neishabour.

Namakdan Salt Cave of Iran’s Qeshm Island

Namakdan Salt Cave is a main tourist attraction of Qeshm Island. Its high quality salt, rich in magnesium, that can be used for medical purposes.

Iran Congratulates Uzbekistan on Successful Elections

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi has congratulated the Uzbek nation and government over the parliamentary elections successfully held in the country.

Preconditions Must Be Removed Before Any Talks: Rouhani 

Iran’s president says the country would not sit for talks with the US as long as there are preconditions and the sanctions are not removed.

Iranian, Pakistani Speakers Discuss Kashmir Conflict

The parliament speakers of Iran and Pakistan have discussed the latest developments in Kashmir following a recent escalation of tensions between Islamabad and New Delhi over the disputed region.

China Praises Iran’s Admirable Progress in Technology

The head of the International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China Song Tao says Iran has made huge progress in scientific and technology areas.

Iran Opens West Asia’s First Stem Cell Production Plant

The West Asia’s first stem cell production factory was inaugurated in a ceremony in Tehran on Tuesday.

Storks Bring Peace, Luck to Iran’s Kurdistan

Bilu, a small village in Western Iran, is the habitat of storks, and is widely known as the home of these birds, which are known by locals as symbols of luck.

FM Zarif Appoints Khaji as His Senior Assistant

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has, in a decree, appointed Ali-Asghar Khaji as his senior assistant in special political affairs.

Video of Colonel Helping Iranians Hit by Extreme Weather Goes Viral

A short video clip has recently gone viral on social media in Iran, showing a modest Army colonel turning his body into a staircase to help people affected by extreme weather climb up a relief vehicle.

Iran Strongly Censures Terrorist Attack in Pakistan’s Quetta

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a vegetable market in Pakistan’s Quetta in which dozens of people were killed and injured.

Iranian Reformists Unanimously Condemn US’ IRGC Blacklisting

On the same day that the US government labelled Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps  a terrorist organisation, many reformist figures condemned the Trump administration’s move unanimously, despite their political disagreements with the IRGC.

World Condemns US for Designating IRGC as Terror Group

Condemnations have poured in from across the world after the United States announced its decision to designate Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization.

Historical Wall in Northern Iran Resistant to Devastating Floods

An ancient structure in Iran's northern Golestan province has proved to be resistant to the recent flash floods which hit much of the country over the past weeks.

Iran Officially Labels US ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’

The Supreme National Security Council of Iran has, in a statement, designated the US regime a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” and its Central Command (CENTOM) a “terrorist organization”.

‘Russia Compromising Iran, Syria Interests by Tilting towards Israel’

A senior political analyst says Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent campaign gift to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a humiliation for Syria.

Researchers Use Silkworm Cocoon to Store Blood at High Temperatures

Storing blood samples is usually carried out with cutting-edge cooling technologies at very low temperatures. But a group of researchers have found a new way to store them for a longer time at higher temperatures by using silkworm cocoon.

Iran Expresses Deep Regret over Afghanistan Flood

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has expressed deep regret over the damages and casualties caused by the recent flooding in various Afghan cities and regions.

Two Gaza Protesters Killed by Israeli Fire

Two Palestinian protesters have been killed and over 200 others wounded by the Israeli fire, as people in the besieged Gaza enclave hold massive rallies commemorating the Land Day and the first anniversary of the Great March of Return protests.

Iran Appoints Sunni Woman as Ambassador

The Iranian government has appointed Homeira Rigi, the governor of Qasr-e Qand in southeastern Iran, as its next Ambassador to Brunei in eastern Asia.

Bus Carrying Iranian Pilgrims in Iraq Hit by Terrorist Attack

Several Iranian pilgrims were wounded on Sunday after the bus carrying them in the south of Iraq’s Saladin governorate was targeted by terrorists, an Iranian official confirmed.

Iran Hails Formation of New Lebanese Gov’t

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has welcomed the formation of the new Lebanese government, expressing hope it will strengthen friendship among Lebanese parties and prepare the ground for further development of the Arab country.

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