
Iran’s Leader highlights support for Palestine, youth resistance

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, made significant remarks concerning the global support for Palestine and the resilience of Iranian youth.

Minister: Iran captures nearly two dozen militants, including senior Daesh ringleaders

Iranian security forces have arrested about 20 people with links to Daesh and other terrorist groups, including two top commanders, Iran’s intelligence minister says.

Iran constructing wall to fortify border with Afghanistan

Iran is pushing a project to construct a wall in its northeastern border with Afghanistan to step up security amid illegal entry and drug trafficking, an official with the Iranian Army said on Tuesday.

IRGC says seized foreign tanker smuggling fuel in Persian Gulf

The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy announced it has confiscated a tanker with the flag of Togo carrying a huge amount of smuggled fuel in the Persian Gulf waters.

IRGC cmdr.: Protecting borders means enemy policies at bay 

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said protecting the country’s borders does not merely mean safeguarding the borders. It means keeping the global policies of Iran’s enemies at bay.

Iran Leader: Gaza is still foremost issue of Islamic world

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the issue of Gaza, nine months into the Israeli regime’s incessant aggression, continues to remain the number one issue of the Muslim world.

Iran’s Navy saves sunk Sahand Destroyer

The Iranian Navy’s Sahand Destroyer that had sunk at a pier in the port city of Bandar Abbas was raised from the bottom of the sea on Friday.

Police officer killed in terrorist attack in southeastern Iran

An Iranian police officer has been killed in an armed attack by terrorists in the southeastern Iranian border province of Sistan and Baluchestan, according to the information center of the police in the province.

Iranian Intelligence Ministry says it has dealt heavy blows to terrorists 

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry says its anti-terrorism unit has hit Takfiri terrorists directly 79 times from May 21, 2024 to July 5, 2024.

Iran rejects NATO allegation over Ukraine war, as politically-motivated

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani, has dismissed the NATO allegation about Tehran's military assistance to Russia in the Ukraine war, as completely unfounded and politically charged.

Iranian Sahand warship capsizes, sinks again

Iran’s Sahand destroyer, which had been pulled out of water with great difficulty near Bandar Abbas in southern Iran on Monday, capsized and sank again after harness cables broke on Tuesday.

Iran smashes terror team on eve of runoff presidential election

Iranian security forces have nabbed a terrorist team in the country’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan on the eve of the runoff presidential election, head of the provincial election office, Reza Sharifi, has stated

Assailants in deadly attack on ballot box convoy in southeast Iran arrested

The gunmen who launched a bloody armed attack on a vehicle carrying a ballot box in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan last Saturday have been arrested, according to an official statement.

Iran FM warns Israel not to take one-way path to ‘hell’ in Lebanon

Iran's acting foreign minister has warned that Lebanon will turn into a ‘hell without return’ for the Israeli regime in case it wages a war against the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah.

Terrorist elements arrested during Iran presidential vote, plots foiled

The Iranian Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs announced that terrorists had meticulously planned to carry out operations during the presidential election with the intention of creating an atmosphere of insecurity across the nation.

2 security forces killed in gunmen attack on election vehicle in Iran

Unidentified gunmen attacked a vehicle carrying election boxes in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan and killed two security forces on Saturday.

Iranian Parliament responds to Canada’s terrorist designation of IRGC

The Iranian Parliament announced that a new proposal was received during a public session. The proposal aims to require the Iranian government to designate the Canadian Armed Forces and related security agencies as terrorist organizations.

Iranian police summon individuals for manipulating presidential election polls

The Iranian cyber security police have identified and summoned four people for publishing fake online opinion polls on the snap presidential elections scheduled to be held on Friday.

Acting Iran FM: Canada will be held responsible for consequences of blacklisting IRGC

Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani has slammed Canada for designating the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, stressing that Ottawa will be held accountable for the consequences of this provocative and irresponsible decision.

Iran condemns Canada’s blacklisting of IRGC as “unwise and unconventional step”

Spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Kanaani strongly deplored the political, unconventional and unwise act of the Canadian government in declaring the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a "terror entity".

Iran and Russia hold security consultations in Tehran

Iranian and Russian officials have held a meeting in Tehran at which they explored ways of fighting terrorism, organized crime, and narco-trafficking as well as regional and international strategic issues.

Top commander: Advanced drones to join Iran’s Army soon

A senior commander with the Iranian Army’s naval forces says Iran has gained access to advanced drones which will join the naval fleet along with several other achievements in the near future.

Iran, Russia reaffirm opposition to foreign meddling in Caucasus

Ali Bagheri, the Iranian Acting Foreign Minister, has stressed Tehran’s steadfast opposition to the presence of trans-regional countries in the Caucasus region, calling for strategic coordination and consultations between Tehran and Moscow in the face of foreign interference in the regional affairs.

Top commander: Iran has identified sites breeding terrorists in neighboring countries

A senior commander with the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) says Iranian forces have spotted centers in the neighboring countries that train and hire militants for terrorist activities inside Iran.

Iranian forces get into armed conflict with terrorists in southeastern border

Iranian armed forces engaged on Saturday in a shootout with armed militants in the border city of Saravan, in Sistan and Baluchestan province, the commander of the border guards’ headquarters said.

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