Emad Askarieh

3734 POSTS
Emad Askarieh has worked as a journalist since 2002. The main focus of his work is foreign policy and world diplomacy. He started his career at Iran Front Page Media Group, and is currently serving as the World Editor and the Vice-President for Executive Affairs at the Iran Front Page (IFP) news website.

Iranian FM writes letter to UN chief over desecration of Quran, Swedish envoy summoned

The Iranian foreign minister, in a letter to the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, has warned against the continuation of defiling Islamic sanctities.

Iran’s 1st VP join’s Erdogan’s swearing-in ceremony in Ankara

Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber joins the swearing-in of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan following his re-election for another term in office.

Iranian foreign minister stresses Helmand water rights in conversation with Afghan counterpart

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that Iran’s water rights from Helmand River are a serious matter and would affect ties with the Taliban government.

Iran’s ambassador joins Iftar ceremony with Saudi counterpart in Norway

Iran’s ambassador to Norway joins an Iftar ceremony hosted by his Saudi counterpart in the Scandinavian country, weeks after Tehran and Riyadh announced a historic agreement to resume diplomatic ties.

Taliban delegates in Iran for talks on situation of Afghan migrants

A delegation with Afghanistan’s caretaker Taliban government has visited Iran for talks with relevant officials on the situation of Afghan migrants and refugees in the country.

Iran FM says Tehran ready to immediately send humanitarian aid to Syria’s Idlib

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and Ms. Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, new President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, have exchnaged views about the latest state of efforts to get relief aid to quake-hit people in Turkey and Syria.

Iran says Iraq using false name for Persian Gulf does not change historical facts

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says the ministry has sent a letter of protest to Iraq over the use of a fabricated name for the Persian Gulf.

Iran foreign minister stresses sovereignty over 3 Persian Gulf islands

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian reiterated that the three Iranian islands of Abu Musa as well as the Greater and Lesser Tunbs in the Persian Gulf are inseparable and eternal parts of Iran.

Iran says favors more talks with Saudi Arabia

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani says a new vision is being shaped in Saudi Arabia regarding Iran that is based on dialog.

Iran submits ‘constructive’ response to US views on EU-led text of final deal

Iran says it has submitted a “constructive” response to American comments on an EU-led draft of a possible deal on the restoration of the 2015 nuclear agreement to the European Union’s coordinator Josep Borrell.

Ex-official: Safeguard issue seems to be ‘only knot’ in Vienna talks

A former Iranian official says the so-called Safeguard issues between Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog appears to be the “only knot” in the diplomatic process in Vienna aimed at salvaging the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal.

Iranian daily urges Raisi administration to push for JCPOA revival

An Iranian daily has sought to make a ‘fair’ judgment on the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi’s performance in various fields a year after taking office, with talks to restore Iran’s nuclear agreement with the West playing a central role.

Advisor to Iran team: Tehran reviewing new proposals in Vienna talks

An advisor to the Iranian negotiating team in the Vienna talks for the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal says the Iranian side has received the newly-tabled proposals by the other party and is now reviewing them.

Iran FM to EU’s Borrell: Final deal must guarantee sustainable removal of sanctions

The Iranian foreign minister, in a phone conversation with European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, has said any final deal over the Iran nuclear agreement must guarantee the sustainable lifting of anti-Tehran sanctions.

Iran FM to UN chief: Tehran determined to reach robust, lasting nuclear deal

Iranian foreign minister, in a phone conversation with the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, said Tehran is serious about reaching a robust and lasting nuclear deal.

Amirabdollahian to Chinese FM: Iran supports one-China principle

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, in a phone conversation with his Chinese counterpart, voiced Tehran's support for the one-China principle.

FM: Iran won’t give up even a drop of water rights

The Iranian foreign minister says Iran will not forgo even a drop of its water rights amid a dispute with neighboring Turkey and the Taliban rulers in Afghanistan.

Iranian nuclear chief says IAEA cameras will be switched on if deal reached

Iran’s nuclear chief says the country will switch on the IAEA’s surveillance cameras it turned off at some of its nuclear facilities, if Tehran and the other parties to the Vienna talks reach a deal and all baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic are withdrawn.

Iran, EU top negotiators meet in Vienna for sanctions removal talks

Iran’s top negotiator Ali Bagheri in the Vienna talks has held a bilateral meeting with EU Deputy Foreign Policy Chief Enrique Mora at Hotel Palais Coburg in the Austria capital, Vienna.

MP: US, Europe showing flexibility in new proposals for Iran deal revival

An Iranian lawmaker says both the Europeans and the Americans are expectantly looking forward to reaching a deal with Tehran on restoration of the 2015 nuclear agreement, and that they have shown “some good flexibility” in their recent proposals, which the Iranian side is working on.

Iranian FM: Iran won’t be pressured into granting concessions during nuclear talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has said Iran’s move to inject gas into centrifuges was a response to the US’s latest sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Iran’s VP describes Uzbekistan as an intact market for Iranian-made products

Iranian Vice-president for Scientific and Technological Affairs Sorena Sattari has travelled to Uzbekistan at the head of a 40-member delegation involving people from knowledge-based companies.

Iran signs largest foreign investment MoU in its oil industry

Iran’s national oil company and Russia’s energy giant, Gazprom, have signed a major memorandum of understanding worth billions of dollars for a joint investment in oil and gas projects, despite sanctions on both countries.

Raisi slams US sanctions on Syria in summit with Putin, Erdogan

President Ebrahim Raisi condemns the United States’ unilateral sanctions on the crisis-hit Syrian nation as a violation of international law, saying Iran will keep up its unwavering support for the Middle Eastern country in the face of all the pressure.

Iran urges UN to help protect children via efforts to end armed conflicts

Iran’s ambassador to the UN draws attention to large numbers of civilians, particularly, children falling victim to armed conflicts worldwide, urging the world body to step up efforts to end such conflicts by addressing the underlying causes.

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