Saturday, July 27, 2024

Iran News

Iran Front Page offers a handpicked set of the latest news and views from Iran and the Middle East

Rouhani: Forest Rangers Killed While Protecting Environment

Iran’s President, in a message of condolence after the killing of three park wardens, said that they remain on the front line of preserving the country’s environment and natural resources.

Iran’s First-Quarter Overseas Trade Increases

Latest figures from Iran's customs office show that foreign trade income stood at over $10,472 billion in the first quarter of the Iranian calendar year (started March 20).

IRGC Commander: US Efforts Futile against Islamic Revolution

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi underlined that the United States’ hostile acts against the Islamic Revolution in the past few decades have all ended in failure.

Hamas Asks Palestinians to Stage Sit-In at Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called on the Palestinian people to stage a sit-in at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound to protest at recent acts of aggression committed by the Zionist regime of Israel against Palestinians.

President Urges Firm Action Over Saudi Embassy Raids

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for firm judicial action against the individuals involved in raids on Saudi diplomatic premises in two Iranian cities back in January.

Iran, Russia Security Officials Discuss Syria, Bilateral ties

A senior Iranian security official has met with high-ranking Russian authorities in Moscow, discussing developments in Syria and the Middle East as well as bilateral cooperation.

Sweden’s Ultra-Runner Makes Movie about Her Running in Iran

Kristina Paltén, a Swedish runner, says three things inspired her to pick Iran for running: its beautiful nature, the long distance, and her ambition to change the image of Iran and other Islamic countries.

Social Media Users Call for Revision in Iran’s Military Service Policies

After the recent deaths of several soldiers in a bus crash in southern Iran, many Iranians were outraged and shocked, and raised online campaigns to express their solidarity with the troopers and their families, as well as calling for revisions to the rules of compulsory military service.

Iranian Official Rejects Saudi Claims on Hajj Deal

Head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Saeed Ohadi dismissed as a “pure lie” a recent claim by Saudi ambassadors to Islamic countries that a deal proposed to Iran on this year’s Hajj pilgrimage was not different from those offered to other Muslim states.

Saudi Arabia has no right to meddle in Iraq: Iran commander

A senior Iranian commander has hailed recent victories by the Iraqi government and nation against Daesh terrorists, stressing that Saudi Arabia has no right to interfere in Iraq’s internal affairs.

OPEC Secretary-General to Visit Iran in Near Future

Mohammed Barkindo, the new secretary-general of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will pay an official visit to Tehran to personally appreciate Iran’s support.

Tajikistan President Becomes a God!

Under new rules, governments in Tajikistan will now have to swear an oath of office to the President, rather than their holy books, before they can begin doing their jobs.

ISIS Sympathy Causes Saudi Twins to Behead Their Mother

Two ISIS-linked Saudi brothers, who had beheaded their mother and wounded their brother and father, were arrested close to dawn in Riyadh's al-Dilam neighbourhood.

In Case of a War on Iran, Saudis Won’t Survive More than a Few Days

Saudis know that they cannot survive more than a few days under the heavy fire of of agile Iranian fighters equipped with modern weapons, a former Iranian military attaché to Riyadh warned in reaction to a Saudi colonel’s plan for attack on Iran.

153 Accredited Foreign Media Working in Iran: Official Report

The Foreign Media Department of Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance announced that there are 153 accredited foreign radio and TV stations, newspapers, news agencies, and photo agencies working in Iran.

Why Zarif Left SCO Meeting in Tashkent

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia-Pacific Affairs Ebrahim Rahimpour dismissed allegations that Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif left the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Tashkent as a sign of protest.

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 26

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday and picked headlines from 23 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iranian Researchers Decipher Cuneiform Inscription

The software’s developer, elaborated on the cuneiform dictionary, saying, “The software is able to decipher and provide translation for the inscriptions which date far back to Achaemenid era into four languages of Persian, Kurdish, English and Arabic.”

Iran Sees Rise in Export of Agricultural Products

Iran’s exports of agricultural products in the first two months of the current Iranian year have grown in term of both value and weight, according to data released by the Agriculture Ministry.

Nothing Can Silence Bahrainis Anymore: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly criticized the revocation of the citizenship of a senior cleric in Bahrain, saying Bahraini youths cannot be silenced anymore.

ISIS Expresses Satisfaction with Brexit

Following the British people’s vote to leave the European Union, the ISIS terrorist group voiced happiness in a statement and summoned its affiliates to attack Berlin and Brussels

Leader Condoles Death of Young Iranian Soldiers in Bus Accident

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei offered his deep sorrow over the deadly bus accident in southern Iran in which a number of young soldiers lost their lives, and asked relevant officials to prevent similar incidents in future.

Putin: No Barriers to Iran’s Accession to SCO

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday, June 24, that there are no obstacles for admitting Iran to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Brexit Widely Covered by Iranian Newspapers on Saturday

IFP has prepared a report on how Iranian newspapers covered Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit, on their Saturday headlines and editorials.

IRGC Engages Militants in Northwest Iran

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces have clashed with Kurdish militants who had infiltrated a northwestern village to stage terrorist and propagandist operations.