Vienna Talks

Iran says received US response to proposals over nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani says the country has received US’s response to Tehran’s proposals aimed at resolving remaining issues during the sanctions removal talks in Vienna.

JCPOA revival talks end in Vienna

Russia’s top negotiator in the Vienna talks Mikhail Ulyanov has said the draft of the final text of an agreement was circulated to the negotiating teams to make a decision as to the revival of the Iran nuclear deal، JCPOA.

Iranian official: Progress made during Vienna talks

A senior official with Iran’s foreign ministry says ‘relative progress’ was made during the recent nuclear talks in Vienna.

Report: Nuclear talks to resume this week

Negotiations over the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal will resume this week, participants in the talks have confirmed. Qatar will host indirect talks between Iran and the United States, according to reports.

Report: Iran negotiator Bagheri to travel to Qatar for meetings on JCPOA revival talks

Iran’s top nuclear negotiator and Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri is reportedly travelling to Qatar on Tuesday for talks over the stalled discussions aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA.

Iranian Daily: New round of nuclear talks ‘a trap’

An Iranian daily has warned the Islamic Republic’s negotiating team of resumption of a new round of sanctions relief talks likely to be held in the Qatari capital, saying the move will only serve the United States’ interests.

Report: Qatar likely to be new host of fresh talks on revival of Iran deal

Qatar is likely to be selected as the new host of future rounds of negotiations between Iran and the other parties to 2015 nuclear deal on a potential revitalization of the landmark agreement, a report says.

FM: Iran ready for ‘strong, durable’ deal with P4+1 on JCPOA revival

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian reaffirms Iran’s determination to reach a “strong” agreement with the P4+1 group of states on reviving the 2015 nuclear accord, saying a final deal is close at hand if the other sides “have the will.”

President Raisi: Adoption of anti-Iran resolution a wrong move

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has criticized the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for issuing an anti-Tehran resolution, which accused the country of withholding cooperation with the agency. President Raisi stated that the adoption of the resolution was a wrong move in the middle of the Vienna talks.

Iran security chief: Any deal unable to remove sanctions undesirable for Tehran

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council says any deal that fails to remove the sanctions against Tehran and does not entail economic benefit and guarantees from the US and Europe won’t be desirable for the Islamic Republic.

Iranian expert calls for direct talks between Iran-US, rejects shuttle diplomacy

An Iranian political expert says Iran should engage in direct talks with the US if it wants the nuclear negotiations to quickly produce results.

EU top diplomat: Iran and P4+1 talks to resume soon

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josef Borrell has said during his visit to Tehran, the Vienna talks will resume with the aim of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal. He made the comments at a joint press conference with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Saturday.

EU foreign policy chief in Tehran, meets with top Iranian diplomat

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell met Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Saturday in the Iranian capital Tehran.

EU: Nuclear deal at hand in Vienna

A spokesman for the European Union foreign policy chief has said the Iran 2015 nuclear deal revival talks are continuing and “we are very close to a deal.”

EU‘s Borrell: It’s time to resume Vienna talks

The EU foreign policy chief has called for the resumption of the Vienna talks aimed at revival of the Iran nuclear deal and removing anti-Tehran sanctions.

European diplomat: Failure of Vienna talks will have dangerous consequences

A European diplomat has warned that the failure of the Vienna talks over the revival of the Iran nuclear deal could have dangerous consequences. The diplomat was speaking to Al-Arabiya News Channel.

Iranian FM: New package proposed to resolve differences at Vienna talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian says Iran has proposed what he called a new political package to resolve differences during the Vienna talks. He was speaking at a joint press conference with his Pakistani counterpart in Tehran on Tuesday.

Iran MP: Future of Vienna talks depends on US decision regarding sanctions

A member of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission says the future of the Vienna talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal depends on the US side’s approach.

MP to Iranians: JCPOA talks get nowhere

A member of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission says the Vienna talks will get nowhere.

Iranian FM says Tehran to resist excessive demands in nuclear talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has said Iran will stand up against any excessive demand by its adversaries during talks over the nuclear issue with full force.

UN chief calls for continuation of Vienna talks

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for the continuation of the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the Iran nuclear deal.

Iranian MP says Tehran to reconsider in Vienna talks if IAEA oks resolution

A high-ranking Iranian MP has warned that if the UN atomic agency’s Board of Governors approves a resolution against Iran, Tehran will reconsider participating in the Vienna talks with the P4+1 group to revive the 2015 nuclear deal.

Analyst: Iran was tricked by Russians in nuclear talks

The former chair of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission says the current nuclear negotiating team was tricked by Russians during the Vienna talks.

Iranian foreign minister: Nuclear deal at hand in Vienna

Iran’s foreign minister says a nuclear deal is within reach in the Vienna talks, underlining the Islamic Republic’s seriousness about reaching a good, lasting and strong deal.

Iranian MP: Western sides return to Vienna as they need a deal more than Iran

The spokesman for the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission has said Iran has finished its job in Vienna and that the Western governments must return to complete their own.

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