Iranian official: Progress made during Vienna talks

A senior official with Iran’s foreign ministry says ‘relative progress’ was made during the recent nuclear talks in Vienna.

Referring to the talks in the Austrian capital, the official said over the past four days, intensive talks were held over a few remaining issues to make sure that Iran’s demands will be met and its worries will be removed.

“During the negotiations, we shared our views with the other parties and relative progress was made regarding some issues.”

He went on to say on Monday, Enrique Mora, the coordinator of the Vienna talks, presented some ideas regarding the remaining issues to all parties.

“Upon receiving those ideas, we responded to him and offered our preliminary observation. But naturally, such issues need to be studied thoroughly and we will give our final response to the coordinator of the Vienna talks and other sides.”

The official reiterated that “The serious concern of Iran’s negotiating team is to achieve the rights of the Iranian people, fulfill their interests, guarantee the sustainable implementation by the other side of its commitments, and prevent the US from repeating illegal acts.”

The Russian and the European Union representatives attending the talks, have also said ‘progress’ has been made in this round of the Vienna talks voicing optimism that the negotiations aimed at the revival of the Iran nuclear deal, JCPOA, will bear fruit.

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