Nuclear Deal (JCPOA)

Japan says ready to help revive JCPOA; Iran ‘ready for any talks’

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has expressed his country’s readiness to help resuscitate Iran’s nuclear deal with the West following the US unilateral withdrawal from the accord in 2018.

Top diplomat: Iran not after new nuclear deal

Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri says Iran is still a signatory to a sapped 2015 nuclear accord with the West and seeks to invigorate the landmark deal rather than striking a new agreement.

Iran UN envoy: No alternative to JCPOA nuclear deal

Iran's permanent envoy at the United Nations has reiterated the country’s long-standing take that no better alternative exists to the 2015 nuclear agreement with the West, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

IAEA head says Iran’s nuclear deal holds no real significance

The Iran 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),  currently holds no real significance because no one is following it, Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has stated.

Iran rejects E3 statement on its nuclear program as invalid

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has refuted the joint statement by the UK, France and Germany on Tehran’s nuclear program, calling it unfounded and invalid, which contains false claims.

Zarif’s office refutes claims on JCPOA secrecy ahead of presidential vote

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's office has responded to allegations made by presidential candidate Alireza Zakani during a recent political roundtable.

Acting FM: Iran still committed to JCPOA, acts based on nuclear deal

Iran’s interim foreign minister says the country is still holding its end of the bargain in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal with the West and acts within the framework of its obligations stipulated in the agreement despite the Western side’s lack of commitment.

Putin calls on JCPOA parties to fulfill obligations

Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests that all parties to a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran abide by the requirements of the agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) without adding any extra burden to the deal.

Tehran urges IAEA to observe impartiality in its reports on Iran’s nuclear program

Tehran has called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to observe impartiality in its reports on Iran's nuclear activities, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic has fully complied with its commitments under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement.

Iran, Russia, China: Provisions of JCPOA nuclear deal still valid

Iran, Russia, and China issued a joint statement on Wednesday on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), declaring that the provisions of the Iran atomic agreement with the West are still in place.

Expert: No bright future for Iran regarding sanctions

A political analyst says a number of internal and international factors paint a complicated picture of the future regarding removal of US-led Western sanctions against Iran.

Former Iranian FM Zarif calls for direct talks with US over nuclear deal

Iran’s former foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has called for the direct talks between Iran and the US over  the revival of Tehran's nuclear deal, JCPOA.

Former Iranian FM Zarif defends Rouhani’s administration efforts to clinch nuclear deal 

Iran’s former foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has once again defended the 2015 nuclear deal, known as JCPOA, under which Iran accepted some restrictions on its atomic program in exchange for sanctions removal.

UN chief says existing challenges of salvaging JCPOA complicated

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stated that existing challenges of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal are complicated, yet the agreement remains the best option to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.

Iran downplays reports on President Raisi’s postponement of trip to Turkey

Ira’s Foreign Ministry has rejected reports that the Iranian president called off an announced meeting with his Turkish counterpart to protest Ankara’s ‘lackadaisical’ stance on Palestine.

Ex-FM Zarif: JCPOA shielded Iran from huge repercussions

Iran’s former foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2231 that approved the 2015 nuclear deal with the West, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saved Iran from a grave risk.

Iran says Japan proposed initiative to revive JCPOA

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told Kyodo News that Japan has proposed an initiative to salvage the stalled nuclear deal struck in 2015 between Tehran and six major powers.

Iran says serious about returning to nuclear deal if US, E3 ready

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian stressed that Tehran is ready to return to full compliance with its commitments to the 2015 nuclear agreement if the other parties to the accord are also ready to do so.

Iran announces commitment to JCPOA revival talks

Iran remains committed to diplomatic paths in order to secure the nation’s rights, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said, emphasizing that there are no limits to dialogue for the responsible return of all parties to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Russia slams E3 trio for renewed Iran sanctions

Moscow has censured a recent decision by the UK, France, and Germany to retain their nuclear- and ballistic missile-related sanctions against Tehran “in violation of a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and major world powers.”

Iran: US attempt to link drones to UNSC Resolution cynical, misleading, lacks legal basis

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations says the US “cynical attempt” to establish an illusory link between the alleged use of Iranian drones in the conflict in Ukraine and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 to accuse Iran of violating this resolution is misleading and entirely unfounded.

Iran: Europe decision on JCPOA commitments illegal, retaliatory measure to come 

Iran says a decision by the European Union and three European countries of the UK, France and Germany, not to abide by their commitments under the nuclear deal, (JCPOA), is illegal and that Tehran will respond appropriately to the “provocative act.”

Iran says not to fully return to JCPOA as long as other parties fail to fulfill commitments

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country will NOT fully comply with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as long as anti-Tehran sanctions remain in place.

Iran expresses readiness to resume nuclear talks based on September document

Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, has announced that Tehran is fully prepared to engage in nuclear negotiations while maintaining its established red lines. These red lines are aimed at securing the rights of the Iranian nation and the lifting of sanctions, in accordance with the September document.

Analyst: JCPOA revival shrouded in ambiguities, questions

The landmark nuclear deal between Iran and the West, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a thing of the past at the current stage but paradoxically it still casts shadow on the relations between Tehran and Europe as well as the United States.

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