Little People Join Popular Campaign to Help Poor in Iran

Couples of short stature have gathered in a mosque in Tehran to participate in an aid program to help the poor people.

Iran Arrests Human Trafficking Ringleader in Malaysia

The Iranian Police and the Interpol have dismantled a human trafficking network taking Iranian girls out of the country for sexual exploitation.

Female Iranian Calligrapher Writes Out Entire Quran with Gold Ink

An Iranian calligrapher, who is said to be the second female calligrapher of the Muslim world, has written the entire Quran in the naskh style of calligraphy using gold ink.

Historic Polo Field Found in Western Iran

Archeologists have discovered a historic polo field in Iran’s western province of Lorestan by unearthing the stone goal posts of the field and an inscription with a Persian poem on it.

Iranian Artists Design Masks to Praise Nurses’ Efforts in COVID-19 Fight

Artists in the Iranian city of Isfahan have designed special protective masks to appreciate the efforts of the medical staff of the country amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Arak; A Tourist Hub in Central Iran with Picturesque Sites

The city of Arak in central Iran is home to numerous tourist attractions which draw large numbers of visitors every year.

Baking Bread at Home All the Rage in Iran amid COVID-19 Outbreak

The custom of baking traditional home-made breads, which had long been forgotten in many Iranian cities, has revived amidst the outbreak of coronavirus.

Ancient Iranians May Have Migrated to Americas

An Iranian archaeologist says ancient paintings of caves and mountains in Iran indicate the migration of ancient Iranians or residents of the Iranian plateau to the Americas.

Clay Bowl with Hadith from Prophet Muhammad Unearthed in Iran

Archaeologists in the Iranian city of Nishapur have discovered an engraved earthen bowl with an inscription bearing a hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) related to the holy month of Ramadan.

Iranians Attend ‘Qadr Night’ Rituals While Observing Health Protocols

Iranian people on Tuesday night observed health protocols at religious sites where Qadr night rituals were held nationwide, says the country's health minister.

Devoted Teachers Making Sacrifices amid COVID-19 Outbreak in Iran

Many teachers in remote and underprivileged areas of Iran are making sacrifices to keep instructing their students amid the closure of schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Winners of COVID-19 Cartoon Festival to Be Displayed at Iran’s Urban Sites

Organizers of an international cartoon festival on the battle with coronavirus have decided to display a preview of the award-winning works at the public places of various Iranian cities.

Mosques to Reopen Across Iran in Conformity with Social Distancing Measures

Iran’s Health Ministry has announced details of protocols on the reopening of mosques across Iran ahead of the Qadr nights (Laylat al-Qadr) when people stay awake and pray from midnight till dawn.

20 New Inscriptions Found in Iran’s Naqsh-e Rostam Necropolis

Iranian archaeologists have discovered 20 new inscriptions in Naqsh-e Rostam historical complex near the southern city of Shiraz.

Ancient Pottery Item Reminder of Unity against COVID-19 Pandemic

An archaeologist has compared to coronavirus the images on a 7-thousand-year-old earthenware item which depict farmers in the south or north of Iran dancing and jumping for joy around their harvest.

Yoga Can Help People Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are among the most common negative impacts of the novel coronavirus epidemic, which continue to grow and flow into every aspect of life. But haw can we handle it?

Unique Wetland of Lipar in Southeastern Iran

The pink wetland of Lipar in Chabahar, southeastern Iran, is a unique natural place for those fond of marine environment.

Iranian Artist Designs Badge to Appreciate Nurses’ Efforts against COVID-19

An Iranian artists has created a work of art to appreciate the efforts of nurses who are risking their lives to take care of COVID-19 patients.

Antique Stone Inscription Found in Western Iran

A historical stone inscription probably dating back to the sixth century AH has been discovered in a historical site in Iran’s Kermanshah province.

Iran Holds Painting Contest for Kids Quarantined at Home

Tehran’s Golestan Gallery has held a painting competition for children during the days of COVID-19  lockdown.

Ancient Area with 10,000 Stone Carvings Discovered in Iran

A new ancient region with about 10,000 historical stone carvings has been discovered in the Iranian city of Meshkinshahr in Ardabil province, northwest of the country.

US Magazine Asvises Tourists to Visit Iran’s ‘Pink Mosque’

A prominent American tourism magazine has advised tourists to visit Iran’s Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, aka Pink Mosque, located in the southern city of Shiraz.

3,000-Year-Old Village of Qerveh: A Major Tourist Attraction in Iran

The Qerveh village located in the western Iranian province of Zanjan dates back 3,000 years and has been built on a single piece of rock, drawing a large number of visitors each year.

Iranian Electric Bikes to Break into Market

Iran-made electric motorcycles will get into the market very soon in an effort to reduce air pollution and cut the gas subsidies currently paid by the government.

Prominent Iranian Literary Translator Najaf Daryabandari Dies at 91

Acclaimed Iranian author and translator Najaf Daryabandari, who had translated many of the world’s outstanding literary works into Persian, has died at the age of 91.

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