Iran Bans Advertisement of Harmful Products

Iran has banned running advertisements for three dozen products, including Olivier salad, carbonated beverages, potato chips, and all types of frying oil and cream cheeses that are considered to be harmful according to the health ministry.

Epic Play with Disabled Actors Staged after 10-Year Rehearsal

An epic play with 30 elderly and disabled actors was finally staged in Iran after nearly a decade of rehearsal.

FIFA Hails Presence of Iranian Women Fans at Football Match

The president of the world football body has thanked the Iranian president for allowing Iranian women to go to the stadium to watch a football match.

Two Iranian-Americans Win State Seats in US Elections

Anna Eskamani and Anna Kaplan (Monahemi) were elected to Florida House and New York Senate Tuesday, becoming the first Iranian-Americans to win such seats in the two states.

Ticket Sale Website Down after 1.5m Rush to Book Place at ACL Final

Over 1.5 million people have rushed to book their tickets for the second leg of the AFC Champions League final match between Persepolis of Iran and Kashima Antlers of Japan, to be held this weekend in Tehran.

Iran Ready to Help Journalists Leave Saudi-Funded UK-Based Channel

Iran’s envoy to the United Kingdom says the Islamic Republic is ready to provide legal help for Iranian journalists seeking to leave a Saudi-funded anti-Iran channel operating in London after they announced they have been warned against doing so.

Iranian Students Enjoy Watching ACL Final Together at Schools

Iranian schoolchildren on Saturday seized a rare opportunity to watch the important first leg of the AFC Champions League final match between Persepolis of Iran and Kashima Antlers of Japan at schools.

Iranian Schools Urged to Broadcast ACL Final Match for Students

Iran’s Education Ministry has called on all schools across the country to broadcast live the first leg of the final match of the AFC Champions League between Iran’s Persepolis and Japan’s Kashima, which will be held at 9:30 am when Iranian students have to be at school.

Some Old Bridges Withstand Severe Flooding in Northern Iran

Some historical bridges in northern Iran have withstood recent flooding while some new ones have caved in, which shows how robust ancient bridges are.

Iranian Woman Abandons City to Breathe Life into Remote Village

Raheleh Ahmadi is an Iranian woman who has given up living in the city and departed for a remote village to turn it into an ecotourism destination, providing inspiration for the local women.

First Neanderthal Human Tooth Discovered in Iran

A tooth belonging to a Neanderthal child has been discovered in the mountains of Kermanshah province, western Iran.

Quake-Hit Iranians Add Colour to Their Lives in Conex Boxes

The people whose houses were devastated by a strong earthquake in Iran’s Kermanshah province last year have started painting the conex boxes they use for temporary accommodation in order to make them more pleasant for living.

Iranian Car Designer Builds Nice Copy of Lamborghini

A talented Iranian youth has managed to design and build a high-quality version of Lamborghini Murciélago in the northwestern city of Tabriz.

In Pictures: Modern Tehran vs Old Tehran

222 years ago, Tehran was selected by Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar as the centre of the Iranian government. But the city was officially named as the capital city later on October 6, 1907, after the Constitutional revolution.

The Old Road; A Thrilling Drama on Violence against Women

Manijeh Hekmat, a prominent Iranian filmmaker, in her latest work “The Old Road,” has addressed the social problem of violence against women, at a time when the issue has turned into a matter of discussion for thinkers around the world.

Iranians Rushing to Deliver Babies on Luxury Dates!

Iranian mothers lined up at maternity wards on 7/7/1397 in the Iranian calendar (September 29, 2018) to give birth to their infants on that certain date despite dangers of delivering babies prematurely.

Most Popular Side Businesses Run by Iranian Celebrities

Either for gaining more income or just for the sake of personal interest, celebrities in Iran – from football players to actors – nowadays have second jobs in various economic fields.

Ahvaz Attack Photographer Talks of Those Breathtaking Moments

A photographer who took memorable pictures of the recent deadly terrorist attack on a military parade in Iran’s Ahvaz has recounted the tragedy and explained the mood on the ground at the time of the incident.

Iran Lifts Ban on Romain Gary’s “The Life Before Us”

The book La Vie devant soi (The Life Before Us) by French author Romain Gary has hit the shelves in Iran again after a 13-year ban.

Iran Urges Ofcom to Punish London-Based Channel for Supporting Ahvaz Terrorists

Iran has vowed to hold the London-based “Iran International” satellite channel accountable for “promoting terrorism and violence”, after the channel aired an interview with the spokesman of the terrorist group behind Saturday attack in south-western Iran.

Tehran Hosting Exhibit of Desert Photos by Italian Photographer

An exhibition of analog photos of Iran's Lut Desert by Italian photographer John R. Pepper is underway in Tehran.

New iPhones Available for Pre-Order in Iran at Astronomical Prices

Apple’s latest flagship iPhone series, XR and XS, have been put up for pre-order in Iran, but the prices are so astronomical that only the super rich can afford them!

Iranian MMA Hercules Beats Polish Bear at ACB

Iranian Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter, Amir Aliabkabari has defeated his Polish rival Daniel Omielanczuk in his second fight in ACB (Absolute Championship Berkut) Organization, which is underway in Russia.

Attractive but Pricey Idea of Designing Your House in Persian Style

The Persian House is a model that has been developed in recent years and drawn many visitors, but its high price has put off the enthusiasts.

Iranian Woman Using Instagram to Reunite Separated Families

Sorayya Allahverdi is an Iranian woman who has worked a miracle by bringing separated families together through her relentless efforts in social networks.

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