
Iran’s Zarif Says Battle Against Tyranny Continues

Iran’s Foreign Minister has expressed his condolences over the martyrdom anniversary of the third Shiite Imam, Hussein ibn Ali, stressing that resistance against oppression and the struggle for freedom continues across the world.

Iran’s Leader Urges Muslim Nations to Resist Western Powers’ Interference

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, has in a message marking the annual Hajj pilgrimage, called on Muslim nations to stand up to the interference and evil of Western powers.

Iran Blasts Industrial Countries for Distorting Realities in Developing World

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh has expressed regret that certain countries with modern communication technologies distort events and realities in other countries, particularly developing nations.

Era of Unipolarity, Western Dominance Over: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the era of unipolarity and the Western dominance in the international system has come to an end.

Iranians Emerged Victorious against Armed-to-the-Teeth Enemy: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Iranian nation emerged victorious against an armed-to-the-teeth regime without any foreign support, so it should be addressed only with dignity and respect.

Iran DM Blames Hegemonic Powers for Insecurity in West Asia

Iran’s Defence Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami says hegemonic powers are the key contributors to terrorism and insecurity in West Asia.

World Order Must Be Re-Engineered Based on New Emerging Powers: Iran DM  

Iran's defence minister has highlighted the necessity of re-engineering the world order on the basis of the new emerging powers and to dismiss the conventional polarizations.

Iran FM Holds Talks with Venezuelan President in Caracas

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas.

US Sanctions Crime against Humanity: Iran President

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the United States’ pressure against the Iranian and Venezuelan nations and governments is an instance of crime against humanity.

‘Regional Multilateralism to Better Serve Peace and Security in Middle East’

Senior analyst Kayhan Barzegar argues that states in the Middle East should drop conventional “ Up to Bottom” Western-style multilateralism and begin to adopt their own independent approach vis-à-vis multilateral practices.

Bolivian President Evo Morales Resigns amid Protests

Bolivian President Evo Morales has resigned after nearly 14 years in power, amid turmoil following his disputed re-election last month.

Massive Anti-US Rallies Held in Iran on Anniv. of Embassy Takeover

Thousands in Iran have started rallies in different parts of the country to mark the “National Day of Fight against Global Arrogance”, chanting slogans against the US and other hegemonic powers on the anniversary of storming the ‘Den of Espionage’.

Iranian, Cuban Nations Standing Up to US Pressure: Rouhani

The Iranian president says hegemonic powers have no choice, but to submit to the resistance of independent nations like those of Iran and Cuba.

US Trying to Hijack UN Forum to Attack Independent States: Iran

Iran says the American leaders and authorities together with a host of criminals called the B-Team are seeking to hijack the UN forum in order to attack and accuse independent countries, including the Islamic Republic. 

Iran, Nicaragua Slam US Sanctions on Independent Nations

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has discussed a range of bilateral issues as well as the US sanctions in separate meetings with top Nicaraguan officials including President Daniel Ortega.

Maduro Praises Iran’s Support for Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has appreciated Iran’s support for his country against the United States’ imperialist policies.

I’ll Take Up Arms, Defend Iran If US Attacks: Pro-West Pundit

A senior Iranian political commentator who has always advocated normal ties with the West says he would take up arms and defend Iran in case of an American invasion.

Iran Calls for Global Unity against US’ Unilateralism

In an address to the SCO Summit in Bishkek, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called on the international community to stand up against the Trump administration's policies, which he describes as a serious threat to the world.

Iran, China Voice Opposition to US’ Unilateralism

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have harshly criticized the United States' unilateralism, vowing to expand their cooperation in the face of Trump's policies.

Enemy Unable to Bring Iranians to Their Knees: President

Iran's president says the enemy will never be able to bring the Iranian nation to its knees, adding Iranians will emerge victorious with their patience.

Iran, Venezuela Strongly Reject Any Foreign Interference

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Venezuelan counterpart Jorge Arreaza have, in a meeting in New York, denounced the interference of certain countries, led by the US, in the Latin American country’s internal affairs.

US Enjoyed 16 Years of Peace in Its 242-Year History: Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter says President Donald Trump has spoken with him about China because the current US leader was worried that Beijing overtaking the US economically, saying America’s endless wars may lead to China superseding the US.

US, Israel Doing All in Their Power to Counter Iran: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warns that the US and the Israeli regime have been doing all in their power to advance their hostile campaign against the Iranian nation, calling for “maximum mobilization” in the face of enemy threats.

No; Islamic Republic Not Months Away from Collapse

Iran celebrated the 40th anniversary of its revolution on Monday, with people marching to honour an unexpected victory that birthed the Islamic Republic.

Iran’s ‘Death to America’ against US Gov’t, Not Nation: Leader

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Iranian nation's "Death to America" slogan does not address the US nation, but their president and statesmen.

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