Alireza Hashemi

Alireza Hashemi is an Iranian political journalist with several years of experince working for Iran's English and Persian-Language media who regularly contributes to IFPnews. He previosly served as a staff writer at Financial Tribune.

Pentagon says has not observed Russia use Iranian drones in Ukraine yet

The US Department of Defense has not seen intelligence to indicate that Russia is using Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles in Ukraine, according to a senior defense official.

No; Islamic Republic Not Months Away from Collapse

Iran celebrated the 40th anniversary of its revolution on Monday, with people marching to honour an unexpected victory that birthed the Islamic Republic.

EU’s INSTEX Not to Affect Iran’s FATF Approach, Officials Say

Last week’s announcement by European powers that they are to launch a financial mechanism for Iran-EU trade would not affect Iran’s approach on joining the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), two Iranian officials said.

Western MSM Coverage of Hashemi’s Detention: Double-Standard on Steroids

Marzieh Hashemi, the US-born anchorwoman who was arrested without charges on January 13 in her homeland, was finally set free on Wednesday, after she appeared before a 23-member grand jury for a third hearing on an unspecified federal court case.

Is Press TV Journo Caught in Crossfire as Trump Intensifies Iran Standoff?

A little over a week into the arrest of the senior journalist working for Iran’s Press TV, the case has become a big controversy shrouded in mystery.

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Just for Domestic Purposes: French General

A former French general believes the late December announcement by US President Donald Trump that he will withdraw forces from Syria and Afghanistan is just for domestic purposes, and is part of Trump’s game to push the Congress to obey its Mexico wall demand.

Iran’s Defence Spending in Spotlight: Teeny Budget Compared with Rivals’

The Iranian government’s latest bill for state budget has been a hot topic in political and media circles in recent days. The bill, presented to the parliament by President Hassan Rouhani late last month, allocates over 4,700 trillion rials for the fiscal year that will start on March 21.

Joining Dots between Khashoggi’s Death, Yemen Peace Breakthrough

It’s no exaggeration to say the ceasefire deal brokered in the Swedish capital Stockholm last week could not be worked out if a Saudi journalist had not been slain in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul early October.

Iran Must Accelerate FATF Accession amid Israel Inclusion

Israel’s accession to the global anti-money laundering makes it more difficult for Iran to join the Financial Action Task Force, an Iranian media outlet said, arguing for quicker approval of parliamentary legislations required for Iran getting out of the body’s black list.

Iranian Rial Regains Lost Value as Forex Market Returns to Stability

The Iranian rial continued its upward spiral on Saturday, pushing more and more of ordinary people to sell the US dollars they had purchased to prevent their money from losing its value.

Zarif Summoned to Parliament for Money Laundering Remarks

The Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy commission has summoned Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to clarify his controversial remarks about “rampant” money laundering in Iran, which have drawn angry reactions from political and media circles.

Zarif Rejects Concerns, Defends Iran Getting Out of FATF Blacklist

Iran’s top diplomat has once again argued for Tehran’s adoption of standards set by the global anti-money laundering body, saying concerns that FATF accession harms national security interests are baseless and Iran’s failure to get itself out FATF blacklist would mean Tehran has shot itself in the leg.

Iran Holds Int’l Seminar on War’s Consequences for Family, Environment

The 2018 edition of an international seminar revolving around the impact of war on woman, family and environment was held in Tehran on Tuesday, in the presence of a dozens of government officials and foreign ambassadors.

Return of US Sanctions Real Challenge to Iranian People: Australian Ambassador

The Australian ambassador to Iran has described the restoration of US sanctions on Tehran as “real challenge” to the Iranian people, saying the prospects that sanctions could negatively affect Iranian patients and women and children were “deeply concerning”.

Iran’s Guardian Council Won’t Be Intimidated by CFT Opponents

The spokesman for Iran’s legislative watchdog says the body will not be intimidated by opponents of Iran’s joining a UN convention against the financing of terrorism, who have in recent days been pressuring the parliament not to approve the plan.

Gov’t under Pressure to Do More to Stop Rial’s Historic Plunge

The Iranian government is under great pressure to take more steps to normalize what the Central Bank calls “unusual” economic conditions, as the country grapples with a flagging economy and the national currency slides to record lows.

Tehran, IAEA Signed No Secret Deal on University Inspection: Envoy

The Iranian envoy to the IAEA has rejected rumours that Iran and the Agency have signed a secret deal that gives the UN nuclear watchdog extraordinary access to Iranian researchers, suggesting the recent inspection of an Iranian university by the IAEA has been carried as part of Iran’s normal nuclear obligations.

“Iran’s Power Cuts Not Linked with Paris Climate Agreement”

An Energy Ministry official has rejected claims by opponents of the Rouhani administration that the recent power shortage across the country is a result of Iran’s fulfilment of its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement.

“West’s Support for MKO Discredits FATF’s Definition of Terrorism”

The support offered by western governments to the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, as demonstrated in the annual meeting of the group last Saturday, discredits the definition of terrorism offered by the G7-created Financial Action Task Force.

Two Options Left for Rouhani: Resignation or Cabinet Reshuffle

With discontent among Iranians over economic hardships on the rise and protests breaking out against the government over a plunge in people’s purchasing power, the performance of the Cabinet has come to the spotlight.

Western Media Coverage of Int’l Quds Day; Textbook Example of Propaganda Ploy

Fasting Muslims in Iran and other countries numbering in millions took to the streets on Friday to hold anti-Israel rallies, in a display of support for the cause of the oppressed people of Palestine, but the huge rallies did not receive the international coverage they deserved.

A Round-up of Evidence Showing ISIS Created by US

An Iranian news agency has listed piece of evidence that show ISIS terror group was nurtured and protected by the US in recent years.

Statement Calling for Rouhani’s Apology over JCPOA Draws Criticism

Prominent figures in Iran have slammed a statement by the Chairman of the Assembly of Experts calling on President Hassan Rouhani to apologize to the nation for the damages he inflicted on the country by pushing for the signing of the 2015 nuclear deal “without due caution”.

Iranian President Claims Victory Over US in Nuclear Deal Battle

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran has managed to defeat Washington in their battle over the 2015 nuclear deal, as the world's public opinion has tilted towards Iran and the US is unprecedentedly sidelined.

“Jafar Panahi Owes His Int’l Awards to Iranian Judiciary”

The latest work by Iranian director Jafar Panahi has been selected as one of the competitors in the main competition of this year’s Cannes Film Festival despite the fact that he is officially banned by the Judiciary from filmmaking.

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