Quince Stew; An Iranian Tasty Dish for Cold Season

Quince is a fruit of the cold season; a fruit that has many benefits and with which various and delectable foods are prepared in Iran. Quince stew is one of these dishes.

Iranian Craftsman Inscribes Quran on Stone

An artisan in Iran has turned his house into an exhibition of superb pieces of craftsmanship: stones on which are written the verses of the Quran, the holy book of Muslims.

Tehran Cathedral Hosts ‘Cross-Crescent Rendezvous’ Ceremony

The Saint Sarkis Cathedral of Tehran on Sunday hosted a ceremony called “Cross and Crescent Rendezvous” with the aim of further proximity between followers of various faiths including Islam and Christianity.

Traditional Seafaring in Iran Revived after 50 Years

The Kong port in the southern Iranian Hormozgan province has witnessed the revival of traditional seafaring.

Iranian Woman to Receive French Order of Arts and Letters

Iranian art gallery manager Anahita Ghabaian Etehadieh has been invited by the French Minister of Culture to receive the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters in early 2020.

‘Roman Wall’ of Iran among Top 2019 Discoveries: Live Science

The Live Science website has listed a 73-mile (115-kilometre) stone wall built between 2400 and 1400 years ago in Sarpol-e Zahab in Western Iran among the top archaeological discoveries of the world in 2019.

Karaftu: Mysterious Cave in Iran Where Heracles Used to Live

Karaftu is the name of a mysterious cave in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan; which has gained fame as the habitat of Greek divine hero Heracles.

Ancient Works Discovered in Northern Iran

Three fragments of colourful pots imprinted with images of birds, flowers and inscriptions from the early Islamic era have been discovered in the north of Iran.

Café Nanism; A Cozy Place in Tehran Run by Short People

Nanism is the name of a café in Tehran run by short-height people.

20-Year-Old Girl Breaks Iran Clean Sheet Record

Zahra Khajavi, a goalkeeper playing for a women’s football club in Iran’s Kurdistan Province, has broken the country’s clean sheet record after not conceding a goal for 950 minutes.

Achaemenid Pool Discovered in Iran’s Pasargadae

Iranian archaeologists have discovered a trapezoidal blue pool dating back to the Achaemenid era in the southern Fars province.

Video: Persian Leopard Trying to Eat Driver of Mechanical Digger!

The driver of a mechanical digger has filmed a Persian leopard trying to eat him!

Iranian Cleric Promoting Book-Reading among Children in Deprived Areas

An Iranian cleric has gained reputation for running cultural activities in remote rural areas of Western Iran, promoting book-reading among children.

Iranian Christians Out for Christmas Shopping

Christian citizens of Tehran along with other Iranian people from all religions and walks of life have poured into streets in Christian neighbourhoods of the city as Christmas and New Christian Year shopping gains growing popularity in the country.

New Alert System Warns Tehran Citizens 20 Seconds Before Quake

Tehran, the capital and most populous city of Iran, is being equipped with an earthquake early warning system that would notify people of an imminent quake as early as 20 seconds in advance, an official has announced.

Charity Worker Helps Wishes of 453 Cancer Kids Come True

An Iranian charity worker has dedicated her life to children with cancer to change the colour of their world.

Iranian People Celebrate Yalda Night Together

Iranian people from all walks of life celebrated on Saturday night one of the most ancient Persian celebrations called Yalda Night, the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Iranian Korsi Brings Family Members Together on Yalda Night

One of the Iranian traditions going back generations is for family members to sit around a korsi on Yalda night.

Iranian Girl Converts Minibus into Lovely Mobile Bookstore

A young Iranian lady has come up with the idea of converting a minibus into a book shop, but she is not old enough yet to drive her “mobile” bookstore.

Popular, Iconic Dishes of Yalda Night in Iran

Yalda dinner, a meal traditionally eaten at the winter solstice each December, forms a significant part of gatherings held to celebrate “Shab-e Yalda” (the longest night of the year) in Iran. Let’s find more about various Yalda dishes in different parts of the country.

Evaz Recognized as First Child-Friendly Town of Iran

An Iranian town has been designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a safe town for children.

Autumn Festival at National Garden of Tehran

An autumn festival is being held during the season’s last days in Tehran’s National Garden, a historical area dating back to Qajar era.

US Says Ready to Lift Iran Sanctions, Restore Relations

The US special envoy on Iran affairs, Brian Hook, says the United States is ready to lift sanctions on Iran and restore diplomatic relations if the country stops what he calls “its hostilities”.

Qalamkari; Traditional Art of Making Hand-Painted Textile

Qalamkari is a traditional textile art which was born in Isfahan during the Safavid era. Qalamkari artists do magic by using colours, fabric and wood.

American Jewish Woman Rejoices at Prayer in Iranian Synagogue

A Jewish American woman and peace activist recalls how she was thrilled to attend a prayer service in a synagogue inside Iran, saying she was surprised to see the Iranian Jews enjoy religious freedom and have a representative in the Iranian Parliament.

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