The great success in nuclear talks in Lausanne will make many changes in regional situation, especially in regional security, said the Pakistani defense minister.
Alaeddin Boroujerdi said comments President Obama delivered after the Iran-P5+1 statement were mostly designed to justify Washington’s wrong policy of the past.
President Rouhani’s Chief of Staff has praised the Iranian nation for their exemplary resistance over the past 13 years and the Supreme Leader for his declaration of a policy of heroic flexibility.
Hamid Baidinejad said that the issue of continuing the talks beyond the March 31 deadline has not been raised and that finding solutions to the remaining issues is of “importance to all.”
The Russian foreign minister has called on all parties to the nuclear talks to be ready for compromise following a plenary session of Iran-P5+1 foreign ministers.
Israel was spying on Iran-P5+1 talks by eavesdropping and getting information from confidential US briefings, informants and diplomatic contacts in Europe, according to the Wall Street Journal.
An Iranian nuclear negotiator says what is needed is a balanced deal that recognizes Iran’s nuclear program and lifts sanctions in exchange for confidence-building measures.