Joe Biden

Biden admin to continue Trump-brokered Abraham Accords

The administration of Joe Biden will build on the “successful efforts” of its Donald Trump-led predecessor to encourage more countries to normalise ties with Israel, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says.

Poll: Majority of Americans believe democracy is under attack

Most Americans feel democracy in the United States is under attack, according to a poll, as 51% say it is likely that elected officials in the country will successfully overturn the results of a future election because their party did not win.

Poll shows Biden’s standing among Americans continues to slide

Half of American adults in a new poll disapprove of US President President Joe Biden, marking the first time his approval has dipped into "negative territory" since taking office.

Biden denies china leader turned down talk offer

U.S. President Joe Biden denied on Tuesday a media report that his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, last week turned down an offer from the American leader for a face-to-face meeting.

Trump rips Biden over Afghanistan withdrawal

Former US President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, saying it made the Democrats look like a “fool". In a video message, Trump said the withdrawal has caused the US to lose 85 billion dollars in military equipment.

Biden, Obama, Clinton mark 9/11 anniversary

US president Joe Biden, along with former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and their wives stood somberly side by side at the National September 11 Memorial in New York, sharing a moment of silence to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, said to be the worst in the US history.

Xi criticizes US China policy, warns confrontation could cause disaster

Chinese President Xi Jinping told his US counterpart Joe Biden that Washington policies towards Beijing have caused "serious difficulties" and that putting ties back on track was critical "to the destiny of the world".

Biden: US ‘long way off’ from recognizing Taliban

Washington is not going to recognize the Taliban as the new leadership of Afghanistan in the near future, US president Joe Biden stated on Monday days after the US forces chaotic withdrawal from the war-ravaged country.

Biden’s approval rating declines amid delta variant surge

US President Joe Biden’s approval rating has dropped by 10 points since late June for his handling of the COVID pandemic as the delta variant sweeps across the United States.

Polls show 20% regret voting for Biden

One-fifth of voters who marked Joe Biden's name on their ballot in the US presidential election now want their vote back, according to a new poll.

Raisi Didn’t Rule Out Possibility of Meeting with Biden: Analyst

A conservative Iranian political activist says President-elect Ebrahim Raisi said “No” when asked if he would sit down for talks with US President Joe Biden, but his answer “was not an absolute Nope.”

Biden Admin Still Pursuing ‘Maximum Pressure’ Policy against Iran: Envoy

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations says the current US administration is claiming, just in word, that it has shifted its policy vis-à-vis the 2015 nuclear deal, but, in deed, Washington keeps pursuing its “maximum pressure” policy against Iran.

Iran Lauds Robert Malley’s ‘Realistic’ Stance on Lifting of Sanctions

Iran's government spokesman has praised the stance adopted by a US official confirming Iran’s position with regards to the lifting of sanctions.

Biden Continuing Trump’s Acts of Terror against Iran: Rouhani

The Iranian president says the new US administration is following the lead of former President Donald Trump, who committed an act of terror against Iranians by imposing sanctions on them.

No Action by US, Yet, to Make up for Past Mistakes: Rouhani

The Iranian president says the US administration still has not taken any practical steps to compensate for the mistakes of the Trump administration and make good on their commitments.

Rouhani Urges Biden Not to ‘Shy Away’ from Return to JCPOA

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Biden administration should not shy away from returning to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal and implementing the law.

Iran Says Waiting for Biden Administration’s Action

Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei says Tehran is waiting for the new US administration to take action and return to its obligations under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

No Talks with US Before It Corrects Wrong Policies: Iran

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh says there will be no bilateral talks or any change in Iran’s policies unless Washington corrects its wrong policies and return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA.

‘US Attack on Syria Aimed at Paving Way for Terrorists’ Return’

A Middle East Expert says the US military attacked Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) troops on Iraq-Syria border to create a “safe corridor” for ISIS terrorists to return to Iraq from Syria.

Rouhani Urges Biden Admin. to Stop Trump’s ‘Economic Terrorism’

The Iranian president says Tehran will sit down for talks within the framework of the 2015 nuclear deal only if the administration of US President Joe Biden lifts the economic sanctions imposed on Iran by his predecessor Donald Trump.

Actions Taken by Biden Administration ‘Extremely Insufficient’: Iran

The Iranian government spokesman says the actions taken by the new US administration so far are not enough, urging Washington to walk the walk to make up for the wrong policies of the White House under former President Donald Trump.

US Likely to Change Stance on Iran, Lift Sanctions: Analyst

An international relations expert says observers believe the US is highly likely to change tack in dealing with Iran, echoing remarks by Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei, who said recently that Washington would soon lift sanctions against Iran.

Biden’s Signature Invalid If Removal of US Sanctions Not Verified: Iran

A top Iranian diplomat says any signature to return the US to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will be invalid without verification.

Biden Admin Keeping Pressure on Iran despite Admitting to Its Failure: Zarif

Iran’s foreign minister says the new US administration has kept its predecessor’s “maximum pressure” policy against Iran despite its own admission that the policy has failed.

Biden Shouldn’t Be Ashamed of Returning to Law: Iran President

The Iranian president has once again asked the new United States administration to return to the law and make up for the past mistakes of the administration of former President Donald Trump.

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