No Talks with US Before It Corrects Wrong Policies: Iran

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh says there will be no bilateral talks or any change in Iran’s policies unless Washington corrects its wrong policies and return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA.

“We have no bilateral talks with the United States, and unless the US corrects its wrong path, there will be no change in Iran’s policies,” Khatibzadeh said in a press conference on Monday.

“Up to now, almost two months since the Biden administration took office, they have not officially declared their return to the JCPOA, even verbally. This is really a historical shame for Mr Biden, who had set up his presidential campaign in a different way, but in practice we are seeing a different administration,” he added.

“Nice words have been uttered sporadically here and there, and we have heard those words, but we want action, and don’t base our policies on words. In other words, we will reciprocate the other side’s action proportionately.”

The spokesman said it’s “bitter” that the JCPOA is being put on the verge of collapse by the US administration and the same people who had negotiated it.

“A historical responsibility will fall on their shoulders, and history will not forget,” he added.
“As regards our ties with the EU and Mr Borrell, the path of diplomacy has always been open; nothing has happened to the JCPOA Joint Commission’s meetings, and Iran’s talks with the four remaining parties to the JCPOA as well as the channels for communication, discussions, and dialogues will continue as before,” Khatibzadeh said.

“It is the US that as the violator of the JCPOA must return to its commitments if it wants to return to the negotiating table,” he added.


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