
Iran foils US cyber-attack on oil ministry

The website of Cyber Police quoted General Kamal Hadianfar as saying that the hackers launched their attack during holidays in Iran.

Tehran-Moscow talks on S-300 successful: Iran official

Negotiations on the delivery of S-300 missile system to Iran has been successful, said Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Iran’s reaction to aggression not to be limited to borders: Former guard commander

Rezaei also lashed out at the US and Israel for triggering unrest in Muslim countries over the past 70 years, warning that they want insecurity to spill into Iran.

Confronting Daesh is akin to serving national interests: General Soleimani

The commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force has said that taking on ISIL is equal to securing national interests.

Leader: Iran not to allow inspection of its military centers

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said that Iran will not allow foreigners to inspect its military sites.

Iran to further expand naval presence in high seas: Navy commander

Iran has some operational plans for broader presence in international waters, said Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari.

Hegemonic powers wage proxy wars to achieve goals: Iran

Iran’s defense minister has dismissed the global hegemonic powers' advocacy of human rights, freedom and welfare of nations as "empty and flimsy slogans,"

Iran, Iraq defense ministers vow to broaden defense cooperation

Tehran is determined to broaden relations with the Iraqi government in various defensive and security fields, said the Iranian defense minister in a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart.

Police seize over 1.6 ton of narcotics in southern province

Over 1.4 tons of opium and 200 kilograms of hashish was seized from the drug traffickers in Hormozgan Province, said Brigadier General Mohammadi Yeganeh.

Illusion of ‘Shia crescent’ is a failed scenario: IRGC

The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps denies comments attributed to its top commander that a Shia crescent is being formed in the region.

Iran closely monitoring Takfiri movements: Intelligence minister

Many plots have been foiled in the country thanks to the round-the-clock efforts of the Intelligence Ministry, said Alavi.

No place for adventurism in region: Iran’s deputy FM

The era of such adventurous moves has ended, and all sides should think about the region’s security and playing a constructive role, said Amir Abdollahian.

Aggression on Syria has roots in resistance to Israeli occupation

Speaker Ali Larijani has said that the Syrian people and officials have shown brave resistance to domestic and foreign terrorists over the past four years.

Takfiris fighting proxy war for US, Israel: Iran defense minster

Syrian people with their unparalleled resistance made bullies understand that they cannot force the region’s Muslim nations to surrender, said Brigadier General Dehghan.

Iranian firm’s complaint behind seizing foreign ship: Official

Iran has said that it has seized a US cargo ship following a lawsuit filed by a local company.

Supreme Leader stresses need for strong police

The Leader said the Law Enforcement Forces which are the symbol of country’s authority and security should focus on enhancing both individual and social security.

Iranian Navy has no plans to leave the Gulf of Aden: Commander

Commander of the Navy said Iran's naval presence in regional waters is aimed at ensuring safe navigation for commercial vessels.

Ansar al-Forqan political leader killed: intelligence source

An Intelligence Ministry official has said that Iran’s security forces have killed Abu Hafas al-Baloushi, the political leader of the terrorist group Ansar al-Forqan, in Sistan and Baluchistan Province.

Tehran police seize narcotics, arrest dealers (PHOTOS)

Pictures of a police operation in Tehran in which drugs smugglers are captured.

Resistance of Iranians brought the other party to the negotiating table

The Iranian president has rejected differentiation between good and bad terrorism, saying that we need to identify and eliminate the elements that help terrorists lure the youth.

Tehran, Kabul ready to launch joint campaign against terrorism, extremism: Rouhani

President Rouhani said a more secure and developed Afghanistan will lead to more trade exchanges and an upgrade in Tehran-Kabul social and cultural interaction.

Iran, Afghanistan agree on intelligence cooperation in anti-drugs fight

Tehran and Kabul have agreed to take measures to register all Afghan nationals now living in Iran, President Rouhani said.

Iran never to allow foreigners to inspect military sites: Top commander

Visits to a military base by foreign inspectors would mean the occupation of our land; even talking about the subject means national humiliation, said Brigadier General Salami.

National Army Day parades across Iran (PHOTOS)

A photo gallery of parades held across Iran on the National Army Day.

A Kremlin decision that changed the game

Some Iranian politicians and analysts have cast doubt on a new Russian decision to implement the S-300 air defense system contract it has signed with Iran.

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