The CEO of an Iranian knowledge-based firm announced the company’s access to soft robot technologies, and said developing the technology could create a revolutionary improvement in the life quality of the physically impaired.
Twelve Iranian universities of medical sciences have ranked among the world’s top one percent scientific centres, said head of Islamic World Science Citation Centre.
Iranian researchers have produced a new type of disposable teaspoons with probiotic properties as part of their project to promote the quality of Iranian herbal tea.
Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, says the country has managed to reserve five orbital slots, and is making arrangements to launch a satellite into the orbit 43.5.
A robotic team from Iran’s Amirkabir University has claimed the title in the world’s most prestigious Chem-E-Car competition, AIChE 2017, held in Spain.
Kaveh Madani, a salient Iranian environment lecturer at Imperial College of London, has been appointed as the Social, International, Technology and Educational Deputy of Iran’s Department of Environment.
While Iran has already sent two monkeys to space and successfully returned them to the Earth, a senior Iranian official says the country plans to send a man into space within the next eight years.
An Iranian researcher says he has managed to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells by producing a drug containing species of a plant genus commonly known as spurge.
Several Iranian companies have put their latest products and achievements in the field of nanotechnology on display in an exhibition held in Indonesia.
An Iranian inventor has, for the first time, devised a gadget that can be used to connect mobile phones and tablets to optical devices like microscopes and telescopes.
Iran’s science ministry plans to present young female scientists with an international award named after the late Iranian math genius Maryam Mirzakhani.
Researchers at Iran’s Fars Science and Technology Park have managed to produce coatings using nanoparticles. These nanocolours are antibacterial, air-purifying and self-cleansing.