International Quds Day

Raisi: Int. Quds Day rallies symbol of solidarity among Muslim nations

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says the “great movement,” which was embodied today in the mass rallies on the International Quds Day, will eventually lead to the annihilation of the occupying Israeli regime.

Iran demonstrators: Normalization with Israel ‘unforgiveable betrayal’

Iranian demonstrators marking the International Quds Day have condemned any “compromise or normalization” with Israel as an “unforgivable betrayal” of the Palestinian cause and a “sinister plot” aimed at undermining the resistance front against the regime’s decades-long occupation.

Iranians mark Intl. Quds Day with mass demonstrations

Marking the International Quds Day, Millions of Iranians have flooded the streets countrywide to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian nation in their cause against decades of Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Raisi: Quds Day heralds liberation of Palestine

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says the International Quds Day heralds the liberation of al-Quds and the collapse of the fake Israeli regime for all oppressed people of the world.

Senior Hamas leaders in Iran’s capital ahead of Intl. Quds Day

Senior officials of Palestine’s Hamas resistance movement are in Tehran as Iranians prepare to mark the International Quds Day to show support for the Palestinians in their decades-long struggles against Israeli occupation.

Iran Quds Force chief in Iraq

Iran’s Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani has arrived in the Iraqi city of Najaf to offer condolences to top Shia Muslim authorities in Iraq over the passing of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohamma Saeed Hakim.

Iran Leader Says ‘Virus of Zionism’ Will Be Eliminated

Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the "virus of Zionism" will not last long and will be eliminated in the not-too-distant future.

Rouhani Urges Iranians to Once Again Voice Full Support for Palestinians

The Iranian president has called on Iranian people from different walks of life to once again express their support in unison for the oppressed Palestinian nation on the International Quds Day.

Iran’s Top General Says End of Israel Imminent

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, says the Palestinian intifada has entered a new critical phase and the end of the Israeli occupation is very close.

Iran Not to Tolerate Israeli Oppression of Palestinians: Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani says the people of Iran do not tolerate cruelty against the Palestinians, and that Jerusalem al-Quds would not remain under the occupation of the oppressors.

Iranian Lawmakers Endorse Anti-Israel Motion ahead of Quds Day

The Iranian Parliament has endorsed an anti-Israel motion which outlines the manner of confrontation on the national and international scale with the Tel Aviv regime’s “atrocities”.

Iran Calls Off Nationwide Anti-Israel ‘Quds Day’ Rallies over Pandemic

Iran says the International Quds Day rallies, annually held across the country on the last Friday of Ramadan, will only be held in 132 “white” counties and "low-risk" areas this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump’s Peace Plan to Turn into ‘Bankruptcy of Century’: Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned that a US-devised plan targeting the Palestinian nation, dubbed “the deal of the century”, has "dangerous regional aspects" and urged leaders of Muslim countries to counter the plot and defend Palestine.

FM Zarif Says Al-Quds Not for Sale

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the holy al-Quds is not up for sale, and nobody has the right to cede the first Qibla of Muslim world.

Iranians Pour into Streets to Mark Int’l Quds Day

Iranian people from all walks of life have taken to streets on the International Quds Day to express their solidarity with the Palestinian nation and once again condemn the Israeli regime's atrocities.

Iran Calls on World’s Muslims to Attend Quds Day Rallies

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has, in a statement, called on Muslim people around the world to show their support for the oppressed Palestinian nation by attending the International Quds Day rallies, which are to be held across the globe on May 31.

US to Fail in Institutionalizing ‘Deal of Century’: Iran Leader

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution says the US and its cronies are seeking to institutionalize Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” plan but they will end up in failure in this project.

Iran’s Zarif: Quds Belongs to Palestine

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has described the city of al-Quds as an indispensable part of Palestine, noting that anyone trying to ignore this fact is doomed to ignominious failure.

Iran President Calls for Mass Turnout in Quds Day Rallies

Iran's president has called on people to turn out in droves for International Quds Day rallies on May 31, 2019, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

Western Media Coverage of Int’l Quds Day; Textbook Example of Propaganda Ploy

Fasting Muslims in Iran and other countries numbering in millions took to the streets on Friday to hold anti-Israel rallies, in a display of support for the cause of the oppressed people of Palestine, but the huge rallies did not receive the international coverage they deserved.

Iranians Hold Rallies in Support for Palestinian Cause on Quds Day

A Large number of fasting Iranians held anti-Israel rallies in the capital Tehran and nearly 900 other Iranian cities under the blazing summer sun on Friday, in a display of solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.

“Liberation of Quds Pivot of Unity among Muslims”

Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to Iran’s Leader, says the liberation of holy Quds is a lofty goal which is the pivot of unity among all Muslims.

“All Muslim States Must Unite against Israeli Atrocities”

The Iranian foreign ministry has, in a statement released ahead of the International Quds Day, called on the Muslim world to stand up to the shameless crimes committed by the Zionist regime of Israel against the innocent and oppressed nation of Palestine.

“International Quds Day Nightmare for Israeli Regime”

Iran’s top security official Ali Shamkhani says the Zionist regime of Israel is afraid of the International Quds Day, the day when Muslims people around the world hold massive rallies to condemn the Israeli atrocities.

Israel in Worst Defence Situation: IRGC

Spokesman for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif says Tel Aviv is experiencing its worst defence condition, and the IRGC is completely ready to respond to any threat by the Zionist regime.

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