Crisis in Iraq

Report: Next Daesh leader to emerge from battle-hardened Iraqis

The next leader of the Daesh terror group is likely to be from the circle close to battle-hardened Iraqi militants who emerged in the aftermath of the 2003 U.S. invasion, two Iraqi security officials and three independent analysts say.

Iraqi sources say Baghdad airport hit by rockets

Six rockets were fired at the airport of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, causing damage but no casualties, security sources confirm.

Iraq PMF to support army in wake of deadly attack on Diyala barracks

Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces say they are prepared to support the army in the wake of a bloody attack on an army barracks in Diyala Province which left 11 soldiers dead.

4 rockets target US Embassy in Baghdad

At least four rockets targeted the US Embassy in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone on Thursday, two Iraqi security officials confirm.

Thousands of British troops discharged due to Iraq war mental crisis

More than 10,000 British forces have been discharged because of mental health problems over the past 20 years, mainly related to their involvement in the Iraq war, according to official figures.

Brits outraged over Blair knighthood, citing Iraq war crimes

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has recently received knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. But, the move has sparked outrage from Britons who argue he should be in prison for his involvement in the Iraq War instead.

Iraq Hezbollah: US, UN interfered in elections

Iraq’s Hezbollah Brigades say what happened in the country’s parliamentary elections was the largest false-flag operation in the history of the country.

Security official says Iraq not ‘launching pad’ for attacking others

Iraq needs to be steered clear of any regional war, Baghdad’s national security advisor said. Qasim al-A'raji emphasized that the Arab country’s territory won’t be used to attack other countries.

All US troops must leave Iraq: Al-Fath leader

The leader of the Iraqi Al-Fath coalition has reiterated that all American troops must pull out of Iraq.

Iraqi PM says foreign combat forces to leave soon

Foreign combat forces will leave Iraq in a few days, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said. He added the withdrawal of US-led coalition combat troops confirms the ability of the Iraqi forces to maintain security and stability in the country.

US general says American troops to remain in Iraq

The top US commander for the Middle East said Thursday that the United States will keep the current 2,500 troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future. An Iraqi security official had earlier announced the end of the US-led military presence in Iraq.

Iraq declares end to US-led combat mission

Iraq declares an end to the combat mission of the US-led international coalition in the Arab country. Iraqi National security adviser, Qassim al-Araji, says the coalition's combat forces are set to withdraw from Iraq.

UNSC condemns deadly terror attacks in Iraq

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has condemned in the strongest terms the recent deadly terrorist attacks in Iraq. The world body has called for international cooperation to bring to account the perpetrators and financiers of such crimes.

Iraq rejects normalization with Israel

Baghdad doesn’t plan to normalize ties with Israel, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said. The top diplomat has also confirmed US combat forces will leave the country at the end of the year.

“US military mission in Iraq to be completed in 2021”

The United States will end its military mission in Iraq before the end of this year, the Pentagon has confirmed.

Top Iraqi commander killed in ambush

Iraqi sources confirmed the deputy commander of the anti-terror Karbala Operation has been killed in an ambush in the country.

US officials say Iran did not order strike on Iraqi PM

Iran likely did not greenlight the recent attack on Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, current and former US officials told NBC News. The premier survived an assassination attempt with an armed drone that targeted his residence last Sunday.

UN strongly condemns attack on Iraq’s PM

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has condemned “in the strongest terms” the assassination attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

Iraq protests against election results turn violent

Demonstrations against the results of Iraq's parliamentary election turned violent on Friday, with hundreds of people clashing with security forces in the capital Baghdad. At least 125 people were injured during the unrest.

Daesh kills Iraqi police forces, 13 tribal Shias

The Daesh terrorist group has killed two police members in Iraq’s Salaheddin province.

Iraqi forces nab senior Daesh member

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi announced in a twitter post on Monday that Iraqi forces have arrested the Daesh terrorist group's number two man in a daring overseas operation.

Several Iraqi police forces killed in Daesh Attack in Kirkuk

Several police officers were killed in an attack carried out by Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) militants in Iraq’s Northern Kirkuk Governorate on Sunday.

Iran Condemns Brutal Attack on Pilgrims’ Bus in Iraq

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has expressed deep regret over a terrorist attack on a bus carrying Iranian pilgrims in the Iraqi city of Balad, which killed and wounded a number of them.

Bus Carrying Iranian Pilgrims in Iraq Hit by Terrorist Attack

Several Iranian pilgrims were wounded on Sunday after the bus carrying them in the south of Iraq’s Saladin governorate was targeted by terrorists, an Iranian official confirmed.

Turkish Army Makes New Incursion Deep Into Iraq

The Turkish army has made a new incursion deep into the Iraqi soil as part of a larger plan to strengthen its military presence in the Arab country’s Kurdistan region.

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