IFP Editorial Staff

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The IFP Editorial Staff is composed of dozens of skilled journalists, news-writers, and analysts whose works are edited and published by experienced editors specialized in Iran News. The editor of each IFP Service is responsible for the report published by the Iran Front Page (IFP) news website, and can be contacted through the ways mentioned in the "IFP Editorial Staff" section.

Iran Front Page officially launched

Iran Front Page (IFP) was officially launched at a gathering dubbed Iranian Media and the International Community in Tehran late Wednesday on August 20, 2014. Initially the content of is in English, but the website will eventually translate select news stories, analyses and articles from the Iranian press into a few widely-spoken languages.

Oil tankers return to Iran’s ports

The oil minister says with sanctions eased, foreign oil tankers begin port calls to Iran.

Science minister fails to win vote of confidence in parliament

Minister of science, research and technology Reza Faraji-Dana fails to re-win a vote of confidence from parliament deputies.

Inflation to slip below 20 percent by March 2015

President Rouhani says his government is determined to fulfill its promise to shore up the economy and cling to the rights of the Iranian people.

No nuclear deal with P5+1 unless UNSC bans lifted: Iran FM

The Iranian top diplomat says no agreement will go into effect unless P5+1 fulfill their obligation to lift sanctions against Tehran.

Iranian national soccer team captain Javad Nekounam summoned to court

Nekounam has three days to appear in court to answer questions about the libel charge brought against him by his former coach.

Hardliners denigrating a representative gov’t that enjoys the leader’s support

Rafsanjani lashes out at extremists who denigrate a representative government that enjoys the leader’s support.

Renowned Iranian poetess Simin Behbahani passes away

Famous Iranian poet Simin Behbahani died after a battle with coronary and respiratory ailment.

Does Japan return to militarism as China’s power grows?

A look at the bumpy road the Japanese premier has ahead in what some suspect is a plan to return to militarism.

Iran missile capability not negotiable at all: Rouhani

President Rouhani tells the IAEA chief Iran’s missile capability is not negotiable.

Iran’s non-oil exports up 21 percent

The Trade Development Organization says the country’s non-oil exports have posted double-digit growth.

Iran’s foreign debts down 9.7 percent

Iran’s foreign debts decline almost 10 percent in a year.

Iranian scientists build biological nano-sensor for early cancer diagnosis

The new cancer-diagnosis sensor developed by Haniyeh Fayazfar is simple, inexpensive and highly sensitive.

Iranian researcher uses ear for identification at airports, border crossings

Mina Shahriari says the new ear identification technique is precise and easy to use.

60 Years of Pilgrimage Visits to Saint Thaddeus Monastery, Iran

Up to 7,000 Christians get together for the 60th anniversary of regular yearly visits to Saint Thaddeus Monastery or Ghara Kelisa in northwestern Iran.

History in a Slaughterhouse Called Ossification

An Iranian jurist looks into the historical aspects of the assassination of a Muslim caliph.

What Iran can do to halt the snowball of ISIL

With the Islamic State on the march in Iraq and Syria, Tehran can arguably play a more active role in stopping the advance of the terrorist grouping.

Women and Jewelry; From Conservatism to Adventurism

Prominent Iranian sculptor Parviz Tanavoli has shared his thoughts on the relationship between women and jewelry.

An eight-year period unsuited for Iranian history

Chairman of the Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani issued a statement on his website on August 5, 2014 to mark the first anniversary of the rise to power of President Hassan Rouhani’s government of Prudence and Hope.

Sanctions are not to blame for a rise in unemployment

Economists blame wrong policies rather than sanctions for Iran’s unemployment crisis.

Opportunities and threats facing women’s employment in society

A city council official takes a closer look at women’s employment, opportunities and threats.

Women helped develop arts

An Arts expert admits women have contributed a lot to the development of arts in post-revolution Iran.

Burnt City, Iran’s 17th Entry on World Heritage List

Shahr-e Sukhteh- the Iranian Burnt City- finally makes it to the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

Achievements of the Ramadhan War

Seven reasons why the war raging in Gaza constitutes an achievement for the Palestinian resistance movement.

Salafis, Yesterday and Today

An expert sheds light on why Salafis are called what they are called and what Salafism meant to Mowlana.

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