Iran Sanctions

President Rouhani Highlights Efforts to Facilitate Investment in Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has highlighted his administration’s strategy to facilitate investment activities to neutralize the US sanctions and achieve the resistance economy goals.

Some $9.2 Billion in Iranian Funds Frozen at South Korean banks: Yonhap

An estimated 10 trillion won ($9.2 billion) in Iranian funds is currently frozen at South Korean banks under US sanctions.

Iran Says US Return to JCPOA ‘Worthless’ If Sanctions Not Fully Removed

Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), says the issue of US return to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA, is “worthless” if all anti-Iran sanctions are not removed.

‘Iraq to Pay for Energy Imports from Iran in Euros to Mitigate US Bans’

The Iranian energy minister says Iran and Iraq have reached an agreement under which Baghdad will pay for Iran’s energy sales to Iraq in euros in a bid to mitigate the problems caused by the US sanctions.

Iran’s Energy Minister in Iraq to Discuss Gas Flow Cut

Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian has discussed Tehran-Baghdad cooperation in separate meetings with senior Iraqi officials.

Rouhani, Qalibaf, Raisi All Stress Tackling US Sanctions

The heads of the three branches of the Iranian government see eye to eye on the necessity of neutralizing US sanctions on the country.

Iran’s Gov’t Bodies Officially Instructed to Implement Sanctions Legislation

Iranian First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri has communicated to relevant institutions the executive bylaws on the legislation recently passed by the parliament which obliges government to take action to have sanctions lifted and protect the nation’s interests.

Rouhani Says Iran Can’t Trust American ‘Robbers’

President Hassan Rouhani says Iran cannot trust Americans when it comes to the transfer of money to purchase coronavirus vaccines as they are notorious for "stealing" Iran's funds.

Iran Says Payment Problem for Buying COVID-19 Vaccine Resolved

The governor of the Central Bank of Iran says the problem of procuring the coronavirus vaccine has been solved.

Trump’s Fate Won’t Be Better than Saddam’s: Iran President

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says his American counterpart Donald Trump will finally be defeated by the Iranian nation as was former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Iran Gov’t Approves Law Passed by Parliament to Expand Nuclear Activities If Bans Not Lifted

The Iranian cabinet has approved the Strategic Action Plan to Lift Sanctions and Protect Iranian Nation’s Interests, a law earlier passed by the Parliament and approved by the Guardian Council.

Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program Not Open to Negotiation: Envoy

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has rejected any negotiation over the Islamic Republic’s “legitimate” ballistic missile program.

Tehran Blasts Canada for Working with US to Block Sales of Medicines to Iran

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has hit out at the Canadian government for contributing to Washington’s efforts to block the transfer of medicines to Iran.

Iran Says INSTEX Must Prove Its Efficiency

Iran says the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), the financial mechanism proposed by Europeans to enable Iran to get round US sanctions, has failed to prove itself effective in the past two years.

Iranian People Entitled to Lifting of Sanctions: VP

A senior Iranian official says Iranian people have the right to see sanctions lifted.

Iran Wants to Use its Assets with Turkish Banks to Buy Goods

Tehran has called on Ankara to find a way for Iran to tap into its assets with Turkish banks to purchase the commodities it needs directly from other countries through Turkish banks.

US Economic War Deprives Iran of $50 Billion in Assets: Spokesman

Spokesperson for the Iranian government has highlighted the country's success in handling the situation and protecting the economy from collapse under the pressure of sanctions although the economic war waged by the US has prevented Tehran’s access to $50 billion in assets.

Rouhani Urges All-Out Efforts to Have US Sanctions Lifted ‘Without Delay’

The Iranian president says every effort should be made to get the anti-Iran sanctions lifted without any delay.

Soleimani’s Killing to Be Avenged Even after Trump, Iran’s Leader Suggests

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, says the country will definitely take revenge against those behind the January assassination of Iranian commander, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, in Baghdad.

Iran’s President Urges US to Ditch ‘Wrong’ Policy of Sanctions

The Iranian president has called on those imposing sanctions on the country to set aside their wrong and failed approach for good and make it history.

Iran Needs No Permission to Return to Oil Market: Minister

Iran Needs No Permission to Return to Oil Market: Minister

Iran’s Oil Sale to Hit 2.9 Million bpd If Sanctions Lifted: President

President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran will be selling up to 2.9 million barrels per day of oil in the next Iranian year if the sanctions are lifted, noting that the minimum daily crude sales will stand at 2.3 million barrels even if the sanctions remain in place.

Iran’s Leader Permits Expediency Council to Procced with Work on FATF Bills

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has approved the administration’s proposal for the extension of a process that authorizes the Expediency Council to review the remaining bills prepared by the government to take Iran out of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) blacklist.

Iran’s Economic Growth Rate Becomes Positive Despite US Sanctions

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Abdolnaser Hemmati says the economic growth rate in Iran has become positive, both with and without oil revenues.

Health Minister Highlights Iran’s Heroic Struggle with Sanctions

Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki has hailed the country’s success to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and inaugurate new projects in spite of the unprecedented pressures and hostile sanctions.

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