Iran to Use Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing COVID-19

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology says Iranian researchers have gained an achievement to diagnose COVID-19 disease by artificial intelligence.

Referring to the ability of knowledge-based companies to produce corona detection kits and medical equipment and prevent the spread of the virus in the country, Sorena Sattari said the activities of various research companies and universities operating in the field of biotech have now led to the production of coronavirus testing kits.

He made the comments during a ceremony to unveil the smart system to diagnose COVID-19 pandemic stressing that two knowledge-based companies are currently working on the Corona testing kits and have delivered 250,000 kits.

These companies have the capacity to produce 100,000 kits per week, he said on Saturday.

In addition, another company is approved to produce the Coronavirus diagnostic kits. With the steps taken so far, hopefully the country will no longer need to import kits, underlined Sattari.

Talking about the production of anti-corona equipment, the Vice President for Science and Technology announced the presence of two knowledge-based companies in the field of ventilator production, and that the researchers at these companies have been able to produce these devices to meet the needs of hospitals.

He said the device could turn an ordinary bed into an ICU bed.

“Currently, the problem of many companies is the production of these ventilators. With the entry of knowledge-based companies into this field, the country’s needs have been met while these devices are offered at a low price.”

Referring to the production of masks needed by the country, Sattari said, at the beginning of the virus outbreak, mask production was difficult, so knowledge-based companies began to produce this product to meet the country’s needs.

According to him, during the outbreak of corona, the production of masks increased more than four times, which of course must have increased dozens of times more to meet the needs of the region in addition to the needs of the country.

The Vice President for Science and Technology also gave details of the efforts of knowledge-based companies in the field of drug production to treat patients with the coronavirus, stressing that these companies are working hard on drug protocols for the treatment of COVID-19.

“Clinical trials are currently being conducted by researchers at these companies, and the good thing is that we no longer need to import equipment to fight corona, and shortages have been addressed by knowledge-based companies,” continued Sattari.

Underscoring that knowledge-based companies are at the forefront of the fight against the unknown coronavirus, Sattari expressed hope that the country works with these companies so that no one would be left behind hospital doors.

“Few countries in the world have been able to work coordinately to fight Corona, but in Iran it has been achieved as a result of the country’s investment in various areas of health, technology and innovation.”

Referring to the achievements of other researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, he said, so far, knowledge-based companies have entered the field of production of diagnostic kits, but several companies have been able to use artificial intelligence and new technologies to diagnose COVID-19.

“This is the result of the advancement of knowledge-based companies in the field of artificial intelligence,” Sattari said.

“Now this company is able to run a system with high accuracy to diagnose the coronavirus using a CT scan device. This system can be used in many hospitals.”

At the ceremony, Head of Headquarters to Fight Coronavirus in Tehran, Dr Alireza Zaali, hailed the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology for companies active in the field adding that these achievements would have not been possible without the support of the Vice Presidency.

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He said the use of CT scans is the best screening method for patients with the Coronavirus because within minutes, it can determined whether they are infected with the coronavirus.

Zali also stressed the use of this system has the highest degree of effectiveness in diagnosis and will make the work of doctors easier.

“The use of diagnostic tools must be highly accurate, and the system unveiled today has an unparalleled potential to be used globally.”

Talking about the benefits of using this system, Zali maintained this system can be used in the regions there are no doctors or radiologists to examine the patients.

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