IFP Editorial Staff

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The IFP Editorial Staff is composed of dozens of skilled journalists, news-writers, and analysts whose works are edited and published by experienced editors specialized in Iran News. The editor of each IFP Service is responsible for the report published by the Iran Front Page (IFP) news website, and can be contacted through the ways mentioned in the "IFP Editorial Staff" section.

Iranians Make Donations in Golrizan out of Altruism

Iran is a land of philanthropy and benevolence; however, sporadic crimes are seen here and there, from time to time. Iranians hold Golrizan ceremonies to raise donations for inmates of unintentional crimes.

Conflicting Reports about Championship of Assad’s Daughter in Tehran Horse-Riding Race

Iranian media have been publishing conflicting reports on Saturday, July 9, about the participation and championship of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s daughter Zain al-Sham in a horse-riding competition held in Tehran. Here is IFP’s coverage of what different sources told Iranian news agencies.

MP Criticizes Government’s Decision to Cut Defence Budget

An Iranian member of Parliament voiced his discontent over the government’s decision to cut the country’s defence budget as much as 50,000bn rials [$1.4bn] for the current Iranian calendar year, and described the move as being wrong, inappropriate, and against prudence.

40 Iraqis per Day Killed in Past 6 Months

Statistics indicate that Iraq’s death toll from terrorist attacks within the past six months has amounted to 7,128 people, which means almost 40 Iraqis have been killed each day.

Disabled Athlete Pays Tribute to Defenders of Holy Shrine

An Iranian disabled gymnast performed gymnastics flips as a tribute to defenders of the Holy Shrine [those who are fighting terrorism in Iraq and Syria].

What Blair’s Wrong Decision Did to Iraq

After the release of Iraqi Enquiry, also known as the Chilcot report, and the remarks by British ex-PM Tony Blair who claimed full responsibility for the wrong decision to invade Iraq in 2003, Iranian news website Entekhab has published photos which show what Blair’s decision did to Iraqi people. Here’s IFP’s coverage of the photos.

Use of Fake UK-Made Bomb Detector Leads to Deadly Explosions in Iraq

Iraqis are expressing hatred and disgust against the UK-made fake bomb detectors, which have failed to curb many ISIS terrorist attacks in Iraq, especially the most recent one in Karrada that claimed the lives of 250 civilians.

Coincidence of Ban and Merkel’s Anti-Iran Remarks Heralds New Plot: Salehi

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi blasted recent remarks by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as indicative of a new plot being hatched against Tehran.

ISIS on Alert in Mosul for Possible Attack by Iraqi Forces

ISIS militants have been placed on alert after some unknown individuals raised Iraq’s flag at the centre of a market in the ISIS-held city of Mosul.

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on July 9

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Saturday and picked headlines from 19 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Rouhani Thanks Crew Involved in Containing Petrochemical Complex Fire

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed gratitude to the people and organizations involved in containing the fire that broke out at Bou Ali Sina petrochemical refinery complex on Wednesday, July 6.

Iran Rejects Merkel’s ‘Unconstructive’ Remarks about Its Missile Program

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi dismissed the recent remarks by German Chancellor about Tehran’s ballistic missile program, stressing that the Islamic Republic will strongly continue developing the program.

16 Iranian Teacher Associations to Hold General Assemblies

16 Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations [ITTAs] have finally managed to obtain permission for holding General Assemblies, an official announced.

This Year’s Hajj to Be a Dangerous Journey, Pakistani Senator Warns

A Pakistani senator referred to the recent terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, and warned that Hajj pilgrims will have a dangerous trip this year.

Kiarostami Gave New Life to Experimental Cinema

Alireza Tabesh, the Managing Director of Farabi Cinema Foundation, offered his condolences over the death of Abbas Kiarostami, the renowned Iranian filmmaker, and described him as a brilliant figure in cinema who had a humanistic and ethical approach in his works.

Army General Becomes Deputy Chief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces

Brigadier General Abdul-Rahim Mousavi, who previously served as Deputy Commander of Iran’s Army, was appointed by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei as the new Deputy Chief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces.

UAE Plans to Install Prince Mohammed as New Saudi King

Reports indicate that the Emirati ruler Mohammed bin Zayed is supporting a plan to install the young Saudi deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman as the king of Saudi Arabia 'by end of the year'.

World’s Largest and Smallest Qurans Unveiled in Iran

In a ceremony held on Sunday, July 3, in the central Iranian city of Qom, the world’s largest and most valuable Quran was unveiled.

Zionist Rabbi Calls for Execution of All Palestinians

A Zionist Rabbi claimed that the Torah has invited its followers, the Jewish people, to kill all Palestinians.

Police Blames Pakistan for Martyrdom of 4 Iranian Border Guards

In the recent clashes between Iranian border guards and armed bandits in Sistan and Balouchestan Province, southeast of Iran, the terrorists managed to flee into Pakistan. Now the Iranian Police spokesman blames Islamabad for the martyrdom of four Iranian guards in the clashes.

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Saudi Arabia and Iraq

Speaker of Iran’s Parliament Ali Larijani strongly denounced the terrorist attacks that recently hit the Saudi holy city of Medina and Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

Intelligence Ministry Refutes Sending Threatening Messages to Journalists

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry categorically denied sending threatening text messages to a large number of journalists, and described it as an unprofessional move.

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on July 5

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Tuesday and picked headlines from 22 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

AFC Severely Punishes Saudi Club for Its Fans’ Insults to Iranians

AFC Disciplinary Committee penalized a Saudi club for its supporters' misconduct during a football game against Iran.

Iran’s Veteran Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Student, Dies at 90

Nezam Ameri, Iranian veteran architect and the only Iranian student and companion of famous American master Frank Lloyd Wright, passed away at the age of 90.

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