Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday and picked headlines from 28 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

President Hassan Rouhani’s victory in Iran’s May 19 presidential elections was widely covered today. Both moderate and conservative media highlighted the re-election in their front pages.

However, conservative papers focused more on a statement released by the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in which the president was advised to fight corruption and resolve the economic woes in his four-year term.

Another top story today was US President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia, and the missile strikes by Yemeni forces on Riyadh ahead of the trip.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:


19 Dey:

1- Iran Leader: All Political Tastes Voted for the Establishment

2- Iranian People Choose Moderation

3- Iranian Nation Did a Great Job: First VP

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - 19 dey



1- Iranian Nation, Establishment Are Winners of Elections: Leader

2- Rouhani Becomes Iran’s President by Securing 57% of Votes

3- US Defence Secretary: We Hit Iran’s Military Convoy in Syria

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - abrar



1- Iran Leader: Elected President Should Fight Corruption as Top Priority

2- Insult to 16 Million Iranians: Rouhani Calls His Rival’s Fans Violent-Seekers

3- Conservative: Revolutionary Front Won’t Start Rebellion [against rival’s election]

4- Raisi’s Aide: Courageous Acceptance of Defeat Introduction to Victory

5- Status Quo is Extended

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - afkar


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Salute to Mr Lawyer: Hassan Rouhani Remains Iran’s President

2- Rouhani: I’m the President of All Iranian People


Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - aftab


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- We Won! ‘May God Give Us His Blessing’ [Islamic expression used by Rouhani]

2- Iran Smiles at Rouhani with 24 Million Votes

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - arman


Asr-e Azadi:

1- It’s Now Time for Demands

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - asr azadi



1- A Fresh Beginning

2- I’ll Respect Critics’ Right to Criticize: Rouhani

3- People’s Meaningful Vote Gives Rouhani’s Gov’t Increased Power

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - asrar



1- Rouhani’s Message after Election: I’m President of Everyone, Even Opponents

2- 100-Percenter Government

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - bahar



1- President of All Iranian People

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - ebtekar



1- German, Dutch, British Firms Top List of Those Interested in Iran’s Petchem Industry

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - emtiaz



1- Leader: Iranians Are Winners of Iran Elections

2- People’s Lawyer: Rouhani Secured 23.5 Million Votes

3- Rouhani Vows to Remain Committed to His Plans, Promises

4- Repeated Victory: Reformists Win All Seats in Tehran City Council

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - etemad



1- Iran Leader Appreciates Epic Celebration of Elections

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - etelaat



1- People Once Again Trust [Rouhani]

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - farhikhtegan



1- Iran Leader Appreciates People’s Epic Turnout

2- Rouhani: No One Loses in This Victory

3- Letter to Rouhani: Be Careful Not to Lose Pages of Hope

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - ghanoon


Haft-e Sobh:

1- A Great, Sweet Win, and Some Little Victories

  • How Everyone, Both Moderates, Conservatives, Gained from Iran Elections

2- Miracle of Valiollah in Khorramabad

  • Educated Street Vendor in Western Iran Elected to City Council

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - hafte sobh



1- All Complaints about Electoral Offences to Be Considered

2- Yemeni Army Fires Ballistic Missiles on Saudi Capital amid Trump’s Visit

3- 120 Arrested over Electoral Offences: Iran’s Judiciary

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - hemayat



1- Iran’s Bright Future until 1400 [2021]

2- President: I’ll Keep to Plans I Earlier Declared

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - iran


Jame Jam:

1- Iran Leader’s Important Advice for Next Government

2- Rouhani: I’ll Ask for Everyone’s Help

3- Yemen Roars in Protest at Trump’s Tour of Middle East

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - jamejam



1- Iran Leader Urges Gov’t to Fight Corruption, Help Poor People

2- Just Like Previous Presidents, Rouhani Wins Second Term

3- Trump Visits a Place Where Democracy Has Never Existed

4- It’s Now Time to Join Hands and Resolve People’s Problems: Basij Commander

5- Iranian People Are Decent and Love Peace: US Translator

6- Iranians Ridiculed in Cannes!

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - javan



1- Iran Leader: Gov’t Should Prioritize Dealing with People’s Economic Problems

2- Rouhani: 41-Million Turnout Great Step towards Iran’s Development

3- Ansarullah Bombards Riyadh on Verge of Trump’s Arrival

4- Iran Has Shown Brilliant Example of Islamic Democracy: Rodney Shakespeare

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - keyhan



1- 23 Million Iranians Voted for Rouhani

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - khorasan



1- Rouhani Finished the Job: It’s Now Your Turn

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - noavaran



1- Raisi: I’ll Speak on Behalf of Deprived People

2- Riyadh, a Place to Fleece Arab Sheikhs!

3- Secrets behind Trump’s Visit to Saudi Arabia

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - qods



1- Iran Leader’s Congratulatory Message: Iranian People Are Winners of Election

2- Rouhani: Winner of Iran Election is National Sovereignty

3- Terrorists Meet in Riyadh

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - resalat



1- Conquest of Tomorrow

2- Iran Leader: Now Think about Unity, Public Solidarity

3- President: Your Vote Helped Iran’s History Avert Doubt, Stoppage in Time

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - shargh



1- Stock Exchange Market Grows, Foreign Currencies Decline

  • Markets’ Reaction to Rouhani’s Re-Election

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - taadol



1- Tsunami of Victory

  • After Rouhani’s Decisive Win, Reformists Are Winning City Councils as Well

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages -tamashagaran


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Iranian People, Establishment Winners of Elections: Leader

2- Yemen Slaps Trump in Face: US Dominance Broken in First Foreign Visit

Rouhani’s Re-Election in Iranian Newspaper Front Pages - vatan emrooz

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