
No Deal Yet – Saudi Rejects Iran’s Hajj Conditions: Official

The Head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Saeed Ohadi, said Saudi Arabia has refused to accept Iran’s conditions on arrangements for Iranians to attend this year’s Hajj pilgrimage.

Iran Gives Saudi until Sunday for Hajj Agreement

The head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization says Saudi Arabia refuses to accept Tehran's conditions in a deal that guarantees preserving the dignity of Iranian pilgrims during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage.

Culture Minister: Major Hajj Pilgrimage if Saudi Cooperates

Ali Jannati, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, said his Ministry and the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization are trying to arrange this year's Hajj pilgrimage, if Saudis cooperate.

Saudi Arabia must guarantee safety of Iranian pilgrims: Official

The head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization says Riyadh must guarantee the safety of Iranian pilgrims as a condition for their future dispatch to Saudi Arabia following the death of thousands of people in the deadly 2015 crush during the Hajj rituals in Mina.

World’s largest portrait painting workshop

Portrait Painting workshop dubbed “Flight 464” was held here on Imam Hossein Square in Tehran, on Friday, to eternal the faces of those killed...

All missing Iranian Hajj pilgrims identified: Iran

All Iranian pilgrims listed as “missing” in last year's deadly crush during Hajj rituals in Mina, near the holy Saudi city of Mecca, have been identified, the head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization says.

Iran calls off Major Hajj

The spokesman of parliament's Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee has said Major Hajj has been cancelled due to the severance of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Roknabadi died of thirst, heat in Mina crush: Iran diplomat

Amir-Abdollahian emphasized that Iran would certainly continue with investigations to determine the fate of the pilgrims still missing.

Saudi mustn’t allow Hajj tragedy to become political issue: Iran

We hope that cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia will continue to determine the fate of others who went missing in Mina, FM spokesman Jaber Ansari said.

Zarif calls for fate of missing Hajj pilgrims to be determined

The Foreign Ministry and the family of Mr. Roknabadi are waiting for his return and we hope his fate is determined, Zarif said.

Iran seeking to unveil aspects of Mina tragedy: Larijani

Speaker Ali Larijani has said that Iran is trying to learn more about the Mina tragedy through different channels and is determined to pursue the case of missing Iranian pilgrims.

Mina tragedy must not be forgotten: Leader

The Supreme Leader says that the Saudi government is responsible for the deaths of Muslims in the Mina tragedy, and that Muslim nations should have expressed their protest with one voice on the heels of the incident.

Iran objects to burial of Iranian victims in Saudi Arabia: Official

The head of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization has said that the Saudi government will have to remain committed to its pledges to fully cooperate with Iran.

Legal action on Mina tragedy under consideration: Deputy FM

Araghchi said there is still no news about the fate of Iran's former ambassador to Lebanon who went missing in the fatal stampede.

Iran Intelligence Ministry collecting Mina documents: Minister

Alavi reiterated that Iran should follow up the Mina case in collaboration with other nations and Islamic countries.

Iran’s possible reaction vis-à-vis Mina tragedy tough: Leader

Ayatollah Khamenei also lashed out at Riyadh for failing to ensure the safety of Hajj pilgrims.

Coverage of Hajj tragedy by Iranian newspapers on September 26

Iranian newspapers on Saturday brought into focus the tragic incident in Mina on Thursday, which was the worst Hajj tragedy in 25 years.

Iranian Cabinet decides to send delegation to Saudi Arabia

The Iranian Cabinet has slammed Saudi mismanagement in dealing with Hajj pilgrims and decided to send a delegation led by the culture minister to Saudi Arabia for the management of the situation.

Iran summons Saudi charge d’ affaires over Mina incident

Iran’s interior minister in a letter to his Saudi counterpart has called for full investigation into the tragic stampede incident in Mina.

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