Ali Shamkhani

Iranian security chief: Iran and Qatar must watch out for plot to divide them   

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has warned of a conspiracy by extra-regional players to cause divisions between Iran and Qatar by taking advantage of the recent events.

Iran’s security chief due in Iraq for talks after visits to China, UAE

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) is set to visit Iraq for talks on ways to remove the obstacles to economic cooperation between the two neighbors.

Source denies report Iran seeks to meddle in Iraq’s election of president

An informed Iranian source has denied a report by Saudi media that Admiral Ali Shamkhani, Iran’s security chief, is going to visit Iraq for talks with the country’s officials on ways of resolving the current crisis over the election of the Iraqi president.

Shamkhani: U.S. breaches biggest threat to any deal in Vienna

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has warned that America's breaches of its promises pose the greatest threat to any agreement between Iran and the P4+1 group in Vienna.

Shamkhani: Divisions in US show lack of unity in Washington over deal in Vienna

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has said there are divisions within the US ruling system over its return to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA.

Shamkhani: Strategic partnership with neighbors Iran top priority

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has said even with the assassination of Iran’s top General Qassem Soleimani, the United States did not achieve its goal of dismantling the regional resistance.

What are the achievements of Shamkhani’s trip to India?

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council on Thursday returned to Tehran from a 2-day regional security conference in India’s capital New Delhi.

Iran and Russia call for joint fight against terrorism

The security chiefs of Iran and Russia have underscored the two countries joint fight against terrorism. They called it constructive and a necessary step to establish and maintain peace and stability in the region.

Shamkhani underlines need to expand ties with India

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has, in a meeting with his Indian counterpart, underlined the need for cooperation between Tehran and New Delhi.

Shamkhani: Iran to use its capacities for regional development

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has said in a meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart that Iran has many scientific, technical and transit potentials and can cooperate with Kyrgyzstan in these fields.

Iran’s Shamkhani meets Indian PM, Afghanistan in focus

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has held talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. Ali Shamkhani is in the Indian capital to attend a regional security conference.

Shamkhani: US exit from Afghanistan a “fiasco”

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has described US withdrawal from Afghanistan as a disaster, saying Tehran is ready to give any assistance to resolve the humanitarian crisis in the war-hit country.

“US causing crisis in region through creating tension”

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has said the US continues causing crisis in the region through creating tension even after it withdrew from Afghanistan, ending 20 years of the occupation of the country.

Iran’s security chief to visit India

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council is going to participate in the third regional security meeting scheduled for Wednesday in New Delhi.

Shamkhani: Attempt on Iraq PM life has roots in foreign think tanks

A senior Iranian security official says the assassination attempt on Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has roots in foreign think tanks.

Iran Warns Israel about Costs of Tehran’s ‘Crushing Response’

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has warned the Israeli regime against making any anti-Iran move.

Iran: Exaggerating Israel’s empty grandeur not a sign of power

Secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has in a tweet hit back at anti-Iran comments by some regional heads of state.

Iran’s security chief to Aliyev: Do not discredit yourself

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has hit back at Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev after he claimed the Islamic Republic, along with Armenia, has smuggled narcotics to Europe via Azeri soil.

Iran advises neighbors to remain vigilant against foreign influence

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkahni has advised the country’s neighbors to be vigilant against the influence of foreign countries. Shamkhani said Iran, as a big and powerful country, has always sought good for its neighbors and has never threatened them.

Iran’s Shamkhani calls for immediate expulsion of terrorists from Iraq

A top Iranian security official has called for the immediate expulsion of terrorists from Iraq, saying they are detrimental to the stability of the region.

Iran’s Top Security Official Orders Release of Khuzestan Protests Detainees

Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, says the country's security forces had been ordered to immediately release those detained during the recent protests in Khuzestan, who had not committed a criminal act.

Iran Says Won’t Allow Takfiri Terrorism to Gain Foothold in Region Again

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council says Iran and other countries fighting terror will not allow “puppet Takfiri terrorism” to rear its ugly head again in the region.

Iran Tells Taliban It Won’t Recognize Currents Using War to Take Power

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani says Tehran will never recognize any group seeking to take power in Afghanistan by resorting to war.

Iran Says US Return to JCPOA ‘Worthless’ If Sanctions Not Fully Removed

Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), says the issue of US return to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA, is “worthless” if all anti-Iran sanctions are not removed.

US Seeking to Expand ISIS Terror Cells in Region: Iran

A senior Iranian official says the United States is seeking to reinforce and expand terror cells of the ISIS.

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