IRGC Ready to Help Rohingya Muslims Affected by Myanmar Crimes

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has denounced the double-standard policies of human rights advocates when it comes to the plight of Rohingya Muslims, saying it is prepared to help those affected by Myanmar’s brutal crimes.

Supporting the oppressed Myanmar Muslims and bringing the world attention to their plight is “the historic and inevitable responsibility of all nations and communities,” the IRGC said in a Thursday statement.

The IRGC stands ready to make any contribution and play any role in supporting and helping those displaced and wounded by these crimes, the statement added.

The Iranian government is expected to “activate the revolutionary diplomatic means and use the capacities and will of the international community and other Muslim countries … to rescue the Rohingya Muslims who are mostly Sunnis.”

It further noted that the ongoing killing in Myanmar amid the indifference of human rights groups has all the signs of an organized plot against Muslims.

“The terrible crimes of extremist Buddhist groups and the Myanmar army against Rohingya Muslims … suggest an organized anti-Islamic plot that, if not stopped, will result in another major genocide in the history of mankind,” IRGC said in a statement.

The IRGC denounced “the duplicity of the so-called advocates of human rights in the face of painful developments in various parts of the world,” saying their contradictory actions were “meaningful.”

“The ineffective global response to the genocide of Rohingya Muslims and the deadly silence of the international human rights organizations and the lack of consensus and a powerful front to deal with the perpetrators of such crimes are a huge humanitarian crisis today,” it said, according to Press TV.

The IRGC further said “the displacement of over 100,000 people and the carnage of at least 400 oppressed and defenseless Myanmar Muslims have sparked the outrage of the Muslim world and increased the responsibility of the Myanmar government in the face of this tragic incident.”

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