A breakthrough in nuclear talks is said to be within reach with Iran pressing home the message that nothing short of a final deal would serve the interests of the entire region.
Ali Khorram, a former Iranian diplomat, says failure to strike a comprehensive deal in Vienna would be the worst possible scenario for nuclear negotiations.
Hossein Kachouyan, a participant at a “Red Line” conference, has rejected a win-win deal between Iran and P5+1, saying that only one winner emerges from the battle between Islam and atheism.
In this day and age, a busy lifestyle has got people so immersed in their daily lives that they are neglectful of people around them, especially the world-weary ones who are one step away from committing suicide.
Chairman of the Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani issued a statement on his website on August 5, 2014 to mark the first anniversary of the rise to power of President Hassan Rouhani’s government of Prudence and Hope.
Mohsen Rezaei tells Austrian ambassador Europe and the US draw on fabrications and biased reports to issue statements against Iran and unfairly slap sanctions on us.