All News about Iranian Society – All the social, environmental, community and lifestyle news from across Iran, including the life and times of the capital, Tehran. There’s so much more to Iran than politics!
Lake Orumiyeh, one of the largest salt lakes in the world, has been ravaged by severe droughts in recent years; 90 percent of its surface area has dried up.
Ali Daei, the world’s all-time leading goal scorer, has sent a message to Iran’s national soccer team captain, wishing him and the squad every success in the 2015 Asian Cup.
A paper by an Iranian scientist at Amir Kabir Poly Technique University, Ehsan Khamehchi, has been selected as a highly-cited paper by Onepetro database.
In a terribly tragic incident, a cheetah cub shared the same fate as its mother and lost its life to a car accident on the same spot where the female cheetah was found dead.
Under an MoU between Iran and a Norwegian company, the latter will study the ecological and environmental side-effects of transferring water from the Caspian Sea to Lake Orumiyeh.
A report presented in a meeting of Islamic ministers of educations in Morocco, shows that Iran ranks first among 57 Islamic countries in terms of science and research.
The followers of Zoroaster and Jesus mourn the demise and celebrate the birth anniversary of their prophets on the same day on the same street in Tehran.
Dr. Khoshnevis who is a Sharif Poly Technique University graduate, is well-known worldwide for his newly-developed three-dimensional building printing system.
Thomas Meram, the Archbishop of Assyrians, Chaldean and Catholics minorities living in Orumiyeh, has said that religious minorities live peacefully in Iran thanks to the wise leadership of the Supreme Leader.