Tamashagah Zaman (Time Museum), which is 6,000 square meters in area, opened in Tehran in 1999.
A large number of bedside clocks as well as pocket- and wrist-watches are on display at the museum. Some of the exhibits bear the signature of their makers. The walls of the museum are graced with documents on Iranian calendar.
The following are snapshots of the museum published by Tabnak.ir:
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Made by Ferdinand Barbedienne. This work bears the signature of the 19th century French metalworker.
Made by Denir in the late 1800s. The reason why the image which is connected with The Rape of the Sabine Women has ended up in Iran is not known.
The statue of Homer crafted in the 19th century. The gold-plated clock whose face is made of silver is fashioned after the Louis XVI style.