Laws and Regulations

Tehran to Sue Washington over Violation of JCPOA

Iranian Vice-President for Legal Affairs says the Islamic Republic will lawfully seek damages caused by the United States after its violation of the 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran Ratifies Law to Let Mothers Pass Nationality to Children

Iran’s legislation watchdog, the Guardian Council, has finally approved a law that allows children with an Iranian mother and a non-Iranian father to obtain the country’s citizenship.

Iran Demands Official Apology from Canada over Sale of Its Assets

Iran’s Ministry of Justice has officially demanded an official apology from the Canadian government for its move to sell part of Iranian assets in Canada under the pretext of supporting terror victims.

Iran Chairs AALCO Meeting on Cyberspace in China

Chaired by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the 4th Working Group Meeting on International Law in Cyberspace of Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) was held in the Chinese city of Hangzhou on September 2-4, 2019.

Crypto Mining Legalized in Iran

An executive directive issued by Iran’s First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri has formally legalized cryptocurrency mining in the country, although the use of digital currencies in the Iranian banks or for domestic trade will be still prohibited.

New Law Gives New Life to 1000s of Iranian Inmates on Death Row

Criminals once on death row are now able to work during the day and sleep in prison at night after serving time for years and the adoption of a new law.

Tehran- Luxembourg Deal Prevents US from Seizing Iran Assets

A joint investment agreement signed between Iran and Luxembourg amounts to a proper legal mechanism to counter the seizure of Iranian assets as ordered by US courts.

Iran Equalizes Blood Money for Men, Women in Historic Decision

From now on, an equal amount of blood money (diyah) will be paid to male or female victims or their heirs in cases of murder, bodily harm, or property damage, in a major shift from the age-old Sharia-based law that the blood money for women is half the amount set for men.

Ex-Employee of Iran’s Defence Ministry Executed for Espionage

A former employee of the Iranian Defence Ministry has been put to death after being convicted of spying for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Rouhani Says Referendum Could Solve Social, Foreign Policy Issues

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has suggested that outstanding social, cultural, and foreign policy issues in the country can be decided through referendum.

Iranian MPs Vote to Step Up Acid Attack Punishment

The Iranian Parliament has passed legislation that steps up punishment for acid attacks and provides more support to survivors of such horrendous acts.

Law to Monitor Iranian Officials’ Assets Coming into Force

Iran's Judiciary chief says an executive bylaw on looking into government officials' property and assets will soon come into force.

Iran to Sue US over Prevention of Aid Flow to Flood Victims

Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs says the country is legally pursuing the United States’ move to block the flow of cash aid to flood victims in the Islamic Republic.

Iran Working on Bill that Limits Husband’s Right to Divorce

The Iranian Presidential Office's Department for Women and Family Affairs has put forward a revised bill aimed at supporting women’s rights by limiting the husband's right to divorce his wife.

Iran Hails Luxembourg Court’s Decision on US’ Seizure of Iranian Assets

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has hailed a Luxembourg court’s decision to reject the US government’s request to seize Iranian assets over 9/11 attacks, saying the “success” was achieved thanks to extensive efforts by various Iranian bodies.

Iran Must Enjoy Benefits of Implementing Palermo Convention: VP

Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs, Laya Joneydi, says when Iran, in accordance with its domestic law, implements the provisions of the Palermo Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, it must also benefit from the convention’s advantages.

Iran Bars MPs from Running for More than 3 Consecutive Terms

Iranian lawmakers have passed a new election bill that bans members of the parliament from running for the position again after serving for three consecutive terms.

Guardian Council Says Not Worried about Plebiscite on FATF Accession

Iran's Guardian Council Spokesman Abbas Kadkhodaei says the council is not afraid of any referendum on Iran’s adoption of Palermo Convention and the Convention against Financing of Terrorism (CFT).

Cabinet to Discuss Bill Equalizing Blood Money for Women, Men: VP

Iran’s Vice Presidency for Women and Family Affairs has submitted a bill to the Cabinet which calls for equal blood money for both genders, Vice President Massoumeh Ebtekar said.

Iran Expediency Council Postpones Voting on Palermo Bill

Iran’s Expediency Council was once failed to reach a consensus over a parliamentary bill on Iran’s accession to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as members have postponed voting on the FATF-related bill.

Iranian MPs Pass Amendment to CFT Bill

Iranian lawmakers have approved an amendment to a bill on Iran’s accession to the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) convention, which was earlier rejected by the Guardian Council.

Iran Urged to Waive Requirement for Film-Making Licence

A host of Iranian film-makers have urged authorities to waive the requirement for obtaining a licence for producing their movies.

Iranian Couples Must Take Part in Counselling Sessions before Marriage

It is compulsory for Iranian couples to attend pre-marriage counselling sessions in order to prevent future problems which often lead to early divorces, officials say.

Iranian Pop Singer Sentenced to Hold Free Concert

Iran’s Ministry of Culture has condemned a pop singer to hold a free concert after finding out that he had given a pre-recorded performance in one of his controversial concerts.

Iran Urges Other Countries to Respect ICJ’s Anti-US Ruling

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations urges the international community to abide by an order issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) earlier this month against US sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

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