Financial Corruption

Massive embezzlement scheme uncovered in Tehran state bank, preventing huge losses

In a shocking revelation, the Prosecutor of Tehran has announced the investigation into a major embezzlement case involving a staggering amount of 29 thousand billion rials in one of Tehran's state banks.

Iran Arrests CEO of BRG Token, Buyer of Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet

Sina Estavi, the CEO of Crypto Land exchange platform and the BRG token, has been detained after what authorities described as long illegal activity.

Iran Likely to Approve FATF Soon: Official

An Iranian official says the bills proposed by the Rouhani administration on adoption of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards will probably be approved at the Iranian Expediency Council soon.

Money Stolen by Russian Official Didn’t Belong to Iran: Spokesman

The Iranian government spokesman has rejected Russian media reports that the one-million-dollar cash allegedly stolen by a Russian Foreign Ministry official belongs to Iran.

No Legal Verdict against Iranian Banks in Bahrain: CBI Official

An official at the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has dismissed reports about a formal verdict being delivered against Iranian banks in Bahrain, saying any such ruling would lack legal credibility.

Iran Leader Calls for All-Out Campaign against Corruption, Corrupt People

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Leader says the only way to tackle corruption is to deal with corrupt elements.

Iran Urges Romania to Clarify Cause of Fugitive Judge’s Death

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi has confirmed the reports on the death of Iranian judge Gholam-Reza Mansouri in Romania, urging Bucharest to provide an official report on the incident.

Fugitive Iranian Judge Found Dead in Romania: Official

Former Iranian judge Gholam-Reza Mansouri, wanted by the Iranian police for bribery, has been found dead in Romania, Chief of Iran's Interpol confirms.

Interpol Nabs Fugitive Judge in Romania at Iran’s Request

An Iranian judge charged with bribery and corruption has been arrested by the International Criminal Police Organisation – Interpol – in Romania, and will be handed over to the Islamic Republic once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Iran Calls on UN to Help with Extradition of Financial Criminals

Iran has urged the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to help the Islamic Republic arrest the criminals who have fled Iran and return the money they have embezzled.

‘Sultan of Cars’, His Wife Sentenced to Death in Iran

Iran has given death penalties to a man and his wife who had hoarded more than 6,700 automobiles and disrupted the car market and are also convicted of money-laundering involving a sum of 32 trillion rials.

‘Iran Working on Forex Plans Independent of INSTEX’

The governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) says the country has plans to work independently from the European Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), which has so far failed to help Iran reap the benefits of the Iran nuclear deal in the face of the US bans.

Iran Says FATF Ratification Depends on Trump’s Behaviour

Ahmad Tavakoli, a member of Iran’s Expediency Council, says the country’s ratification of the bills required for taking Iran out of the FATF blacklist depends on the US president’s behaviours, and thus the Council has postponed reviewing the bills until a ripe time.

FATF Extends Iran’s Deadline until October

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) said Iran had until October to meet international standards against money-laundering and terror financing.

Oil Ministry Embezzler Arrested before Fleeing Iran: Report

A financial officer working with the Iranian Oil Ministry has been arrested before fleeing the country, charged with embezzling $25 million.

Law to Monitor Iranian Officials’ Assets Coming into Force

Iran's Judiciary chief says an executive bylaw on looking into government officials' property and assets will soon come into force.

Iran Warns Canada against Giving Asylum to Embezzlers

Iran’s Attorney General has called on the Canadian judiciary and police to prevent their country from turning into a centre of frauds and a safe haven for embezzlers.

Iranian Canadians Sign Petition against Two Fugitive Embezzlers

Members of the Iranian-Canadian community have signed a petition against two Iranian embezzlers who are now living in Canada after escaping justice in Iran.

‘Iran’s Trade with World to Get More Difficult without FATF’

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi says adoption of the standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is not expected to remove all economic problems of Iran but failing to adopt them will hamper the country’s trade exchange with the outside world.

FATF Accession Key to Surviving US Sanctions: Iran

If the Islamic Republic is to continue its trade exchanges with the outside world amid the harsh sanctions imposed on the country, it needs some specific work tools, one of which is the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), says Hossein Gharibi, an assistant to Iran’s foreign minister.

Guardian Council Says Not Worried about Plebiscite on FATF Accession

Iran's Guardian Council Spokesman Abbas Kadkhodaei says the council is not afraid of any referendum on Iran’s adoption of Palermo Convention and the Convention against Financing of Terrorism (CFT).

Iran Says FATF Extended Its Deadline to Avoid ‘Deadlock’

Iran’s nuclear chief says the Financial Action Task Force’s extension of its anti-Iran measures shows the global anti-money laundering body doesn’t want to create a “deadlock” in its relations with Iran.

FATF Extends Iran’s Deadline by June

The global anti-money laundering body, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), on Friday gave Iran until June to come into compliance with anti-terror financial measures or said it will face tougher financial oversight.

INSTEX Implementation Not Possible without FATF: Germany

The German ambassador to Tehran has denied the allegation that the European Union has set conditions for implementing its special purpose vehicle for trade with Iran, but at the same time noted that European banks would not work with Tehran if the country fails to adopt the FATF standards.

Iran Expediency Council Postpones Voting on Palermo Bill

Iran’s Expediency Council was once failed to reach a consensus over a parliamentary bill on Iran’s accession to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as members have postponed voting on the FATF-related bill.

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