Financial Corruption

Iran Gov’t Urges Quick Approval of FATF as Deadline Approaches

A senior government official has argued for quick approval of two parliamentary bills required for Iran to get out of the blacklist of the global anti-money laundering body (FATF), saying Iran should not put its foreign relations at risk at a time when the US is bent on hurting the country’s foreign relations.

Foreign Ministry Explains Why Iran Not Invited to FATF Meeting

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has reacted to media reports about the reason why Iran has not been invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in Paris.

Iran’s Economy to Undergo Structural Changes upon Leader’s Order

A senior lawmaker says Iranian officials will in coming weeks start debating a structural shakeup of the economy, which had been stressed by Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

EU’s INSTEX Not to Affect Iran’s FATF Approach, Officials Say

Last week’s announcement by European powers that they are to launch a financial mechanism for Iran-EU trade would not affect Iran’s approach on joining the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), two Iranian officials said.

Iran Must Accelerate FATF Accession amid Israel Inclusion

Israel’s accession to the global anti-money laundering makes it more difficult for Iran to join the Financial Action Task Force, an Iranian media outlet said, arguing for quicker approval of parliamentary legislations required for Iran getting out of the body’s black list.

Iranian Rial Regains Lost Value as Forex Market Returns to Stability

The Iranian rial continued its upward spiral on Saturday, pushing more and more of ordinary people to sell the US dollars they had purchased to prevent their money from losing its value.

President Rouhani under Fire for FATF Remarks

Conservative media in Iran have harshly criticized President Hassan Rouhani for implying that the costs of living will be increased by 20% without cooperation with foreign banks.

Iran to Miss Opportunities If It Fails to Adopt FATF: Rouhani

Iranian president says without adoption of the standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and cooperation with foreign banks, chances will be lost and it will be 20% more costly to resolve the country’s economic problems.

Iranian MPs Pass Amendment to CFT Bill

Iranian lawmakers have approved an amendment to a bill on Iran’s accession to the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) convention, which was earlier rejected by the Guardian Council.

Zarif Summoned to Parliament for Money Laundering Remarks

The Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy commission has summoned Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to clarify his controversial remarks about “rampant” money laundering in Iran, which have drawn angry reactions from political and media circles.

Iran Executes ‘Sultan of Coins’ for Financial Corruption

Iran executed two financial criminals who had hoarded two tons of gold coins in order to agitate the country’s gold market.

Zarif Rejects Concerns, Defends Iran Getting Out of FATF Blacklist

Iran’s top diplomat has once again argued for Tehran’s adoption of standards set by the global anti-money laundering body, saying concerns that FATF accession harms national security interests are baseless and Iran’s failure to get itself out FATF blacklist would mean Tehran has shot itself in the leg.

Iran Legislation Watchdog Rejects CFT Bill, Returns It to Parliament

Iran’s legislation watchdog, the Guardian Council, has rejected a bill on Iran’s accession to the Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) convention, which had been passed by the Parliament.

Iran Lauds FATF’s Deadline Extension as Diplomatic Victory

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has welcomed the Friday decision by the Financial Action Task Force to extend suspension of counter-measures against Iran, describing it as a diplomatic achievement for Iran in the face of widespread US efforts to restore Iran’s blacklist status.

FATF Extends Iran’s Deadline despite US Opposition

An international group that sets standards on fighting money laundering and financing of terrorism announced it once again extends the deadline for Iran to complete reforms to meet conditions for getting out of the body’s black list, despite opposition by the US and a number of its allies.

Hiring Relatives Banned in Tehran Municipality

The members of the Islamic City Council of Tehran have voted in favour of a law that prohibits hiring of the relatives of managers in Tehran municipality.

“Iran’s Failure to Join CFT to Give US Pretext to Boost Its Pressure”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has reiterated the need for Tehran’s accession to the convention on Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), saying the country’s failure to do so will provide the US with the pretext to increase its pressure on the Islamic Republic.

Iran’s Guardian Council Won’t Be Intimidated by CFT Opponents

The spokesman for Iran’s legislative watchdog says the body will not be intimidated by opponents of Iran’s joining a UN convention against the financing of terrorism, who have in recent days been pressuring the parliament not to approve the plan.

Parliament Approves Iran’s CFT Accession

Iranian legislators have passed a bill that gives the government the green light to join an international convention on fighting the sponsoring of terrorism.

Iranians Selling Their Greenbacks Overnight as Rial Regains Lost Value

Huge crowds of people are seen in viral photos and videos flocking to foreign currency markets on Monday night to sell their US dollars as its rate went on a downhill spiral and experienced a historic plunge of over 20 percent in a few hours.

Three Sentenced to Death for Economic Corruption: Iran’s Judiciary

Iran's judicial officials have handed down death sentences to three people convicted of economic corruption amid an intense anti-corruption campaign launched by the Iranian government to tackle soaring economic problems currently nagging the country.

Protest Rally Held before Iran Parliament against FATF-Related Bill

A crowd of conservatives gathered in front of the Iranian parliament on Sunday to protest against a bill on Iran’s accession to Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) convention, which is to be put to a vote in the parliament this week.

Iran Parliament Passes FATF Bills; Expediency Council to Make Final Call

Iran’s Parliament speaker says two parliamentary bills required for Iran’s accession to the global anti-money laundering body FATF have been unanimously ratified by the Parliament after being rejected by the Guardian Council, and will soon be put to vote at the country’s Expediency Council.

Foreign Ministry Explains Why Iran Needs to Adopt FATF Standards

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has released a statement to answer a number of frequently asked questions and concerns regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s engagement with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Iran Chamber of Commerce Says Tehran Must Join FATF

Iran’s Chamber of Commerce has urged the Rouhani administration to join the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international body which develops policies to combat money laundering.

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