Iranian paper bashes Taliban for ‘unfulfilled promises, ongoing threats’

An Iranian newspaper has repeated its salvo of criticism against the Taliban for what it called failing to honor its commitments to Iran despite receiving significant concessions over the past three and a half years.

In an editorial on Sunday, the Iranian newspaper Jomhouri-e Eslami labeled the “Taliban’s actions and the influx of unauthorized migrants and Taliban infiltrators” into Iran as substantial threats to the nation.

The article emphasized that Iran’s officials responsible for Afghanistan affairs appear either to be unaware of or unwilling to address the serious threats.

It pointed out that the Taliban, despite their promises during recent talks, have not upheld previous Afghan governments’ legal commitments, including the allocation of water rights to Iran.

During a visit to Kabul on January 26, Iran’s Foreign Minister received assurances from the Taliban leadership that Iran’s water rights would be respected. However, environmental experts reported that satellite images show significant water flow in the Helmand River from January 12 to February 1, which the Taliban diverted away from Iran towards the Goud-e-Zereh basin, contradicting their promises.

The editorial urged the Iranian government to adopt a more robust and intelligent approach to regional and international issues and stressed the need for restructuring of Iran’s diplomatic framework to protect its national interests and prevent regression on the international stage.

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