Iranian daily defends presence of Afghan nationals in Iran amid growing calls for expulsion

Amid increasing public demands for the expulsion of illegal Afghan immigrants in Iran, the principlist newspaper Kayhan has come out in defense of Afghan nationals, particularly highlighting the strategic importance of the "Fatemiyoun" brigade within the Resistance Front.

In an article, Kayhan argued that foreign adversaries are deliberately fueling anti-Afghan sentiment in an effort to undermine the powerful Fatemiyoun brigade, which has been a key player in regional resistance efforts.

Fatemiyoun brigade consists of Shia Afghans and partcif the Resistance Front.

According to the article, the enemies aim to create discord between the Shia communities of Iran and Afghanistan, which could result in the separation of the Fatemiyoun brigade from the Resistance Front.

The newspaper warned that such a division would significantly weaken the Resistance during these critical times when unity is essential.

At the same time, the debate over the presence of Afghan nationals in Iran, particularly those residing illegally, has intensified. Many within the public and political circles are calling for stricter immigration controls and the deportation of illegal immigrants.

The Iranian Ministry of Interior recently announced that it would take concrete steps to address the issue, confirming that illegal Afghan immigrants will be sent back to Afghanistan. The ministry emphasized the importance of upholding the country’s laws while maintaining humanitarian principles.

Unofficial sources put the number of Afghan migrants in Iran at 10 million.

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