Iranian analyst: Opponents of nuclear talks responsible for missed opportunity

An Iranian foreign policy expert has regretted that the chances for clinching a deal with major powers in the world to restores a 2015 nuclear deal are ‘next to nil’, holding those opposed to the negotiations process responsible for the failure.

Jalal Khoshchehreh, in an interview with Fararu news outlet, said ‘radical’ groups and individuals within Iran and outside the country backed each other up to derail the talks and mar the last opportunity to remove years-long tensions created over the issue.

After several rounds of extensive talks in Austria and Qatar, Iran and the West are at loggerheads to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) after the United States withdrew from the accord in 2018 and re-imposed draconian sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Khoshchehreh said, Iranian ‘Russophiles’ who relied on Russia without achieving anything, should be held accountable.

“Those who had put all their eggs in the basket of Russian policies and thought that the war in Ukraine and the West’s need for oil and gas in the winter would force Europe and the US to make adjustments in their positions towards Iran… now they see that basically this type of view has not brought any positive and noteworthy achievements for Iran,” he pointed out.

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