Iran condemns US, Britain sanctions on IRGC Quds force chief

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has strongly condemned the US and the UK move to impose sanctions on 6 Iranian individuals and institutions, including Esmail Qaani the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Nasser Kanaani said this hostile action is yet another step toward completing the hateful path that has continued in various forms over the past four decades by the US and Britain against Iran.

The US and the UK have imposed sanctions on six Iranian institutions and individuals for what they called their destabilizing role in the Middle East.

Kanaani said the fact that the state creators and sponsors of Daesh are angry with the IRGC, which is a proud, pioneering and inspiring force in terms of fighting terror, comes as no surprise.

The IRGC Quds Force has had a major contribution to defeating Daesh terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

Kanaani pointed out that the accusations by the US and Britain against the anti-terror pioneering forces of the IRGC are a clumsy and fruitless attempt to divert the attention of the world public opinion and to cover up their complete responsibility for the war crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza, which has killed nearly 20,000 Palestinians within two months with full support from Washington and London.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that Iran reserves the right to respond to the unacceptable approach of the US and Britain.

Kanaani said the Islamic Republic of Iran’s official and legal armed forces, including the IRGC Quds Force, will continue to be a nightmare for terrorist organizations and their state sponsors and such desperate attempts by the US and Britain which are in violation of international law will not in the least undermine the determination of Iran’s armed forces to fight terrorism.he Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman also slammed US and British sanctions of the representatives of the Palestinian movements of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Tehran. ‏

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