Iran Slams Europe’s ‘Weak Behaviour’ towards US

Iran’s president and parliament speaker have separately lambasted the European signatories to the Iran nuclear deal for failing to make good on their commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal following the US’ unilateral withdrawal.

In a meeting with the European Union’s new foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, Hassan Rouhani said Tehran stands ready to work with Europe to settle issues surrounding the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Rouhani touched upon the trend of efforts made over 12 years that resulted in the conclusion of the JCPOA.

“Unfortunately, the United States’ unilateral withdrawal from the agreement created innumerable hurdles and problems for other parties in the way of full implementation of the deal,” said Rouhani.

He added Iran’s scaling down of its obligations under the JCPOA has been within the framework of the agreement and aimed at preserving it.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran remains prepared for interaction and cooperation with the European Union to resolve issues, and Iran will return to its commitments whenever the other side fully delivers on its obligations,” the president said.

Rouhani said joint efforts and cooperation by Iran and Europe can be instrumental in settling many of the regional and international issues.

Rouhani also condemned Washington’s policies vis-à-vis countries in the region.

“So far, they have made numerous strategic mistakes with regards to regional countries, including Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan, and its recent move whereby they proposed the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ in collusion with the Zionist regime [of Israel] was in line with the very same mistakes and is doomed to fail,” he noted.

The EU foreign policy chief, in turn, noted that the European countries are seeking to preserve the JCPOA and settle issues. He said he would try his utmost to bring about strong interaction in line with preserving the JCPOA.

Borrell also touched upon Iran’s key role in regional issues and the promotion of peace, stability and security in the region.

Iran Slams Europe’s ‘Weak Behaviour’ towards USIranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani also took a swipe at Europe for its “weak behaviour” in dealing with the US as far as the JCPOA concerned.

In a meeting with the EU foreign policy chief, Larijani also criticized Europe for failing to fully live up to its commitments under the nuclear deal. Borrell, in turn, said Larijani was right to be critical of Europe’s behaviour.

Larijani also expressed Iran’s readiness to help settle regional issues.

The top parliamentarian also dismissed the U-Israeli “Deal of the Century” plan as despicable.

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