Iran unveils new aerospace, missile achievements, including hypersonic cruise missile

Iran has unveiled several new domestic achievements at an aerospace exhibition, including a hypersonic cruise missile.

Besides the missile named Fattah 2, a mobile air defense system called Mehran, the upgraded version of the missile defense system dubbed Day-9 and a drone known as Shahed 147 were unveiled at the expo visited by Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Sunday.

At the exhibit, the Leader saw first-hand the latest achievements of the Aerospace Division of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

The exhibition, which included missile, drone, air defense and space sections, showcased modern and updated accomplishments of the IRGC’s aerospace scientists and experts.

The latest achievements in the domain of satellite-carrier missiles and those pertaining to space satellite launching were also put on show at the event.

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