Source: Iran examining reliability of EU proposals to revive nuclear deal

Iran is examining the reliability of the European Union’s recent proposal to restore a 2015 nuclear agreement with the West in three areas of safeguards, sanctions and guarantees, an informed diplomatic source says.

The diplomat, whose identity was withheld, told Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, that Iran will accept proposal by the EU’s coordinator for the talks Enrique Mora “only if it provides assurances in various areas, including lifting sanctions on the Islamic Republic and guarantees that the US will remain committed to the deal.”

The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that European Union diplomats trying to break a deadlock in talks over the nuclear accord have proposed a significant new concession.

Commenting on the report, the Iranian diplomat said the new proposal has to be reassuring for Iran and include all the subjects discussed during the four-day talks in the Austrian capital in the latest round of marathon negotiations.

Several rounds of talks have been held to lift sanctions against Iran and bring the United States back to the fold after its unilateral pullout from the deal in 2018 under former US president Donald Trump.

On Thursday, another informed source told Nour News, a news outlet affiliated with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, that Iran has been holding expert-level meetings to assess EU proposals and the initial results will be presented to decision-making authorities and bodies for high-level meetings

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