Mohammad Sadeq Shah-Abadi, CEO of “Sarang Industrial Solutions” Company that designs and manufactures quality image processing equipment with modern image processing technology, says the scanner is made up of two parts: a rotary platform and a sensor tower.
After standing on the rotating platform, the 3D sensor is turned on and the rotating platform begins to rotate to capture and record images of all parts of the body, and finally the 3D model of the body is displayed using the software.
He also pointed out that the main countries producing the printers are the US, Germany and Russia, adding that the company’s prototype is on a par with similar American samples. The product supports Persian language as well.
“The product price is about 3,000 dollars, but similar American sample is about 10,000 dollars,” he added.
These 3D body scanners are used in monitoring body changes in various medical fields, and even in designing clothes.