‘EU advancing US anti-Iran agenda in Vienna instead of facilitating talks’

Iran’s official news agency has criticized the European Union for rushing to announce the achievement of what it called a “final text” following the latest round of negotiations in Vienna aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

IRNA added the move comes while the US administration appears to lack the power for decision-making on a return to the multilateral deal.

In an analysis piece, IRNA said the EU’s announcement at the end of the talks came regardless of the fact that there were still certain outstanding issues to be resolved during the Vienna negotiations, adding that such a move only works to complicate the process of saving the troubled nuclear deal.

There is no need to say that the weak administration of US President Joe Biden lacks the power to take a decision regarding Washington’s return to the Joint Compressive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the deal is officially called, given the upcoming elections in Congress which could lead to a return of the Republicans to power, it said.

Such election results would further undermine the Biden administration and make it even more difficult for it to rejoin the Iran deal, and that is why the White House has currently adopted the strategy of playing a blame game and fueling a propaganda campaign against Iran in the lead-up to the congressional elections, IRNA added.

It criticized the Europeans for “trying to advance Washington’s narrative against Iran instead of making efforts to facilitate the diplomatic process.”

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