Outspoken daily urges Iranian govt. not to trust Russia

An outspoken Iranian daily criticizes the government for abstaining from voting on a UN resolution against Russia’s war on Ukraine, warning that Moscow is untrustworthy and may betray Tehran in a similar occasion.

In an article, Jomhouri-e Eslami Daily drew attention to how Russia preferred its own interests to those of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement, which had backed Moscow’s military campaign against Ukraine.

Along with the UN resolution against the Ukraine war, another such a document was passed at the world body, which called the Houthi movement a “terrorist,” it said.

As part of “political dealings” with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a party to the Saudi-led war on Yemen, Russia turned a blind eye to Ansarullah’s support and backed the anti-Houti resolution, the daily added.

The daily urged the Iranian government to learn a lesson from Russia’s behavior and not to put trust in Moscow.

Earlier this month, Iran abstained from voting the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution, which condemned Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, calling for Moscow’s immediate withdrawal and an end to the fighting.

Justifying the abstention, Iran said the resolution was biased in favor of Ukraine and contained provocations that could fan the flames of conflict between the warring parties.

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