US says nuclear deal not happening ‘anytime soon’

Negotiations for the United States and Iran to reenter an agreement on the restoration of the 2015 nuclear deal may be fatally stalled, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has said.

“We don’t see a deal coming together anytime soon,” Jean-Pierre stated, even though she qualified that assessment by pointing out that “the door for diplomacy will always remain open.”

Rob Malley, the Joe Biden administration Iran envoy, also noted on Monday that reviving the 2015 accord with Tehran “is not even on the agenda” and “not the focus, because there is no movement.”

He told CNN’s Becky Anderson that the administration believes that the US needs to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

“Diplomacy is the way to do that,” he said, adding, “We will see whether this is a government that is interested in reaching that a deal, but at this point, the focus is on what’s happening around because the talks are stalled.”

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the sanctions removal talks have not been taken off Iran’s agenda.

Kanaani added that all efforts by the EU coordinator for the talks show that the other sides have also remained committed to the continuation of the negotiations.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman however stressed that the only problem is the contradiction between the US’s words and action.

He noted that the US on the one hand sends messages in which they express their views about ways of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA, and on the other hand its behavior and statements fail to complement the process of talks.

Kanaani stated that the way has been paved technically for the revival of the JCPOA and the return of all parties to their obligations under the accord.

The spokesperson underscored whenever Washington desires, all sides can return to the deal. Kanaani however underlined that Iran will not wait for the agreement to be revived and will pursue its own foreign policy agenda.

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