Ulyanov: Iran response to EU draft deal constructive, ball in US court

Russia’s representative in negotiations aimed at saving a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, says the Islamic Republic’s response to a proposal drafted by the European side as the coordinator of the talks is constructive.

Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s permanent representative to the international organizations in the Austrian capital Vienna, said on Tuesday, Tehran has asked for guarantees to protect the restored Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), adding the ball is in US court to decide whether it wants to return to the nuclear agreement after its withdrawal in 2018.

“One of the amendments that the Iranians introduced yesterday is precisely aimed at strengthening the guarantees,” Ulyanov was quoted as saying by Russia’s Sputnik.

Iran delivered its response to the European side of the talks on Monday night.

Tehran had already announced it needs written sanctions relief and economic engagement guarantees to reap the benefits of the nuclear agreement with the West.

The Russian representative also said an imminent meeting at the level of foreign ministers on the agreement and lifting of sanctions is not unlikely.

No details have been revealed about the content of Iran’s response by EU officials, but remarks made by insiders and officials on Monday indicated that both sides are closer than ever to an agreement after months of intensive negotiations in Vienna and Qatar’s Doha.

Reports claim that Iran has not mentioned anything about the safeguards, one of the outstanding issues during the talks.

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