Terrorist attack targets military site, hit squad disbanded in south: Iranian sources

A terrorist attack has targeted a military site in Mahshahr, in Iran’s southern Khouzestan Province, and a hit and sabotage squad has been disbanded in the same province, Iranian security sources say.

In a brief statement on Sunday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) branch of Khouzestan said two motorcycle-riding gunmen had attacked an unidentified military site in Mahshahr at the early hours of the morning.

One of the gunmen was hit and wounded when security forces returned fire, and he later died. The second one fled and was being searched for.

The IRGC branch said the attack was “in line with the activities by the counter-revolutionary [forces] to cause insecurity in Khouzestan Province and [elsewhere in] the country.”

Separately, Fars news agency cited an unnamed security source as saying that a team of individuals who planned to carry out sabotage and assassinations had been identified and disbanded.

The source said the team was sponsored by a European country, which he did not name, and said it was busted by the IRGC before it could carry out any activities.

The source said confessions by the arrested individuals showed that they had planned to “assassinate a number of the people and Arab figures and repeat the scenario of carrying out false-flag killings and cause riots in Khouzestan similar to those in Zahedan and Ardebil.”

Over the course of the past weeks, Iran has been beset by protests over the death in police custody of a young woman. Iranian security forces have since reported several attacks on police stations and personnel.

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