Tehran decries Israel-backed Canadian resolution against Iran

Tehran has lashed out at Canada for proposing an anti-Iran human rights resolution at the UN General Assembly with the backing of a handful of other regimes, including Israel.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said it is a shame that Canada has brought together “a clan of notorious governments with regards to human rights,” including the Israeli regime, the US and Britain, in order to teach Iranian people about human rights.

Khatibzadeh dismissed as groundless and lacking a legal basis the resolution proposed at the 3rd committee of the United Nations General Assembly by Canada and supported by certain Western countries as well as Tel Aviv.

He said the resolution is a rehash of unfounded allegations based on false information and insincere generalizations.

“This resolution is based on weak and divided international votes, and a great part of the ‘yes’ votes for it was the result of political pressure and various threats,” said the spokesman.

He said Canada and some other key advocates of this resolution are addicted to pressing ahead with a failed plan aimed at tarnishing Iran’s image.

“Unfortunately, some players which, themselves, have a long history of blatantly violating human rights, namely through arms sales to the tyrannical, occupying and aggressor regimes, are using human rights as a tool to advance their political objectives and interests,” he added.

“Such immoral and unjustifiable moves will not help promote the status of, and respect for the human rights on the world stage, but will only lead to a rise in negative clichés and political stigmas against nations,” he added.

“The move by the Canadian government and other advocates of this resolution, which is a potent example of abusing lofty human rights concepts and values in order to advance short-minded political goals, is condemned and lacks any legal foundation and effect,” Khatibzadeh added. 

He asked Canadian authorities to correct their anti-human moves both inside and outside that country and not only halt the regime’s systematic policy of committing genocide of native Canadians, but also be answerable for complicity in the Israeli regime’s inhumane crimes against Palestinian people.

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