Sorena Sattari

Iran Has Some of World’s Most Successful Startups: VP

A senior Iranian official says Iran is among the top countries in the world when it comes to knowledge-based companies and startups.

BONTECH Technology Tower Opened in Tehran

The first technology tower funded by the private sector has come into operation in Iran, leading to the formation of a new innovation area connecting academic centres to private sector companies.

COVID-19 Breaks Traditional Resistance to Online Businesses: Iran VP

Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says the novel coronavirus pandemic has broken the traditional resistance to online businesses and helped them thrive.

Iran Says Its AI Solutions Competing with Foreigners

Iran's Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says the domestic companies and start-ups engaged in developing artificial intelligence technologies have made such progress that are competing with the foreign countries.

Iranian-Made Drug for COVID-19 to Hit Market in 3 Weeks: VP

A senior Iranian official says an Iranian-made medicine for coronavirus will hit the shelves in three weeks’ time.

Iran’s First Production Line for Insulin Jet Injectors Enters Service

Iran's Vice President for Science and Technology has inaugurated the first production line for insulin jet injectors in the country.

Iran to Open Digital Economy Park

Iran is to establish a digital economy park to further boost the biome of technological and knowledge-based businesses in this domain on the grounds of the Pardis Technology Park.

All Products Needed to Deal with Corona Produced Inside Iran: VP

An Iranian Vice President says the Islamic Republic does not need to import equipme‌‌nt to deal with the coronavirus, as all the needs are met inside the country.

Iran Inaugurates Several Technology Centres in Bushehr Province

A couple of technological projects and facilities have been launched by the Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology in the south of the country.

Iran to Export Coronavirus Test Kits to Germany, Turkey

The Islamic Republic of Iran will start exporting homegrown diagnostic test kits for the novel coronavirus disease to Germany and Turkey in the coming weeks, Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has announced.

Knowledge-Based Firms Instrumental in Fighting COVID-19: Iran

A senior Iranian official says knowledge-based companies have secured major accomplishments in the fight against the COVID-19 virus in the country.

Iran Produces Ventilators at Price Half That of Foreign-Made Ones

Iranian researchers have developed ventilators with a price half that of foreign-made ones.

COVID-19 Epidemic under Control in Iran: Official

A senior Iranian official says the coronavirus epidemic is now under control in the country thanks to people’s cooperation and efforts by knowledge-based companies and other institutions to produce the required equipment.

Iran Unveils 6 Homegrown Products for Coronavirus Fight

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology has inaugurated an international health technology complex that includes innovation acceleration centers in Tehran, and has also unveiled six homegrown products used for preventing and treating the novel coronavirus.

Iran Capable of Producing 40 Ventilators a Day: VP

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology says the country is able to produce 40 advanced domestically-made ventilators every day to meet the needs amid the coronavirus epidemic.

Iran Starts Mass Producing PCR, Serologic COVID-19 Diagnostic Kits

Iran’s vice-president has launched the production line for two types of coronavirus diagnostic kits, namely PCR-based and serologic kits, at a knowledge-based company.

‘Hundreds of Projects Underway in Iran to Discover Coronavirus Nature’

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says hundreds of research projects have been planned to determine the nature and behaviour of the coronavirus, adding that more than 2,000 clinical trials have been conducted for the treatment of COVID-19.

Rouhani Visits Exhibition of Homegrown Products Used for Anti-Corona Fight

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has paid a visit to an exhibition of high-tech products developed by Iranian knowledge-based companies to help the country's fight against the novel coronavirus.

Iran Unveils COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis System

The first COVID-19 pneumonia diagnosis system with more than 97% accuracy has been unveiled in Iran.

Iran Gov’t Helping Knowledge-Based Firms Expand Their Markets Globally

In the past Iranian year major steps have been taken so that knowledge-based companies can develop their markets more than before.

Iran to Use Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing COVID-19

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology says Iranian researchers have gained an achievement to diagnose COVID-19 disease by artificial intelligence.

Three Iranian Teams Working on COVID-19 Vaccine: VP

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says three domestic teams are working separately on research into a coronavirus vaccine.

Iran Producing Homegrown Ventilators amid COVID-19 Pandemic

As the medical ventilator has become a key device in saving coronavirus patients while COVID-19 pandemic moves around the globe, an Iranian knowledge-based company has begun to produce the homegrown version of such mechanical breathing devices.

Iran Develops Homegrown Mask Production Machines

Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology says with the help of knowledge-based companies, different types of mask production machines are being made in the country.

President Briefed on Iran’s Scientific Programs to Contain COVID-19

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has briefed President Hassan Rouhani on the latest scientific and academic plans to control and defeat the novel coronavirus which has been declared a pandemic by the WHO after reaching more than 100 countries.

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