Sorena Sattari

Iran’s Government to Facilitate Visit of Foreign Entrepreneurs

The Iranian government is considering the facilitation of the visit to Iran of foreign entrepreneurs working with Iranian knowledge-based companies through issuance of business and technology visas.

Iran Constructing Sci-Tech Park at iLand City

Work is underway to construct a science and technology park in the newly-established commercial and entertainment township of iLand, southwest of Tehran.

Iran Opens Auto Spare Parts Innovation Centre

Iran has opened an auto spare parts industry innovation centre at a domestic knowledge-based company.

Three Innovation Centres Inaugurated in Iran’s Qom

Three creativity and innovation centres have become operational in the city of Qom in central Iran.

Iran to Produce Electric Engines for Vehicles

The Science and Technology Department of the Iranian President’s Office and the Tehran Municipality have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on advanced transportation and designing a platform to electrify vehicles.

Iran Pushing for Development of Knowledge-Based Companies: VP

Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has highlighted his organization’s strategy to support the domestic knowledge-based and innovative companies.

Several Innovation Centres Opened at Prestigious Iranian University

Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has opened ten Innovation centres at the prestigious Shahid Beheshti University in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Clinical Studies for Iranian-Made COVID-19 Vaccine Begin

Phase one of clinical studies of the Iranian-made coronavirus vaccine named “Iranshakht” (Made in Iran) has got underway.

Educational Innovation, Technology Centre Opens in Tehran

An educational innovation and technology centre has opened in the west of the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Iran Unveils Homegrown Yogurt Starter Culture

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has unveiled a homegrown yogurt starter culture developed by a domestic knowledge-based company.

Iran LAB EXPO 2020 Kicks Off in Tehran

The 8th edition of the Iranian Laboratory Equipment and Chemicals Exhibition (Iran LAB EXPO 2020) has opened with the participation of universities, technology parks and research centres.

New Technologies Can Facilitate War on Narcotics Trade: Iran VP

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Satatri has highlighted the major role of domestic knowledge-based companies and advanced technologies in the fight on drug trafficking and in preventing, diagnosing and treating illicit drug misuse.

All Equipment in School Students’ Research Centres Built Domestically: Iran

A senior Iranian official says all the equipment used in school students’ research centres in the country is built domestically.

Iran Opens Clinical Skills Training Centre with Homegrown Equipment

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology has inaugurated a specialized centre for instructing medical students in clinical skills with apparatus developed by domestic knowledge-based companies.

Iran Starts Mass Producing Gate Valves in Defiance of Sanctions

Iran has put into service the production line for gate valves used in crude oil transfer pipelines despite the sanctions imposed on the country.

‘One Single Iranian Firm Able to Produce 1mn COVID-19 Diagnosis Kits Daily’

A senior Iranian official says the country has the capacity to produce one million coronavirus diagnosis kits a day just by one single company.

Fakhrizadeh Assassination Shows Iran Moving on Right Scientific Path: VP

A senior Iranian official says the assassination of prominent scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh shows the country is moving on the right scientific path.

Iranian Women Entrepreneurs Recognized for Innovative Activities

Top Iranian women entrepreneurs working in the domains of job creation and creating added value have been recognized in appreciation of their services.

Iran Produces 450-Tonne Telescopic Crane

An Iranian knowledge-based company has produced and unveiled a telescopic crane capable of carrying up to 450 tonnes.

Iran Says Its Homegrown Flu Vaccine to Hit Market in Weeks

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari has unveiled plans to fulfill the domestic demand for flu vaccine with the products of private companies which will be available within the next few weeks.

Over 5,300 Iranian Knowledge-Based Firms Opened in 6 Years: VP

Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari says more than 5,300 knowledge-based companies have been established in the country under the aegis of the administration over the past six years.

Tehran, Moscow Discuss Closer Scientific Cooperation

Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari and head of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev have agreed to expand Tehran-Moscow collaborations in science and technology.

Tehran an ‘Innovative’ City with Innovative Ideas: VP

A senior Iranian official says the idea of an “innovative city” can help tap into the existing potentialities to further boost innovative practices.

6 Iranian Firms Working to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine: VP

Six Iranian knowledge-based companies are working to produce a vaccine for COVID-19 simultaneously, says a top Iranian official.

‘Iran Self-Sufficient in Producing Masks, Equipment for COVID-19 Treatment’

A senior Iranian official says the country has reached self-sufficiency in producing equipment needed for controlling coronavirus and treating patients suffering from the disease.

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